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After asking me some personal ass questions the boy sent me to a room and it was a note on the bed telling me to get in the shower and go to bed

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After asking me some personal ass questions the boy sent me to a room and it was a note on the bed telling me to get in the shower and go to bed.

I figured that's what would be happening anyways because it was the end of the day and I know that boy has to be tired because Ajanna probably put on a fight.

I got in the shower and hummed to myself since I usually listen to music in the shower but I didn't have my phone so-----.

I flinched when the bathroom door opened and closed really loudly before the curtain was opened and somebody got in behind me.

He placed his hands on my waist and kissed my neck making me shiver.

"Youngb-" he cut me off.

"Kentrell" he corrected making me sigh.

"Stop" I begged.

"I don't want to have a baby" I told him as his hands traveled down to my spot.

"Well you're going to" he told me as he pressed my body against the shower wall.

He bent me over more while I tried to keep my balance, he went in and started to fuck me making me moan.

As much as I hated what the outcome of this would be he has some good dick and it's treating me pretty good right now.

"Fuck" I moaned, bringing my hands back to push him back but he grabbed my wrist and put my hands behind my back and went faster.

"You just gone have to deal with it" he responded to my statement about the baby.

After we were done he took me back into the room and tied me to the bed so I wouldn't "mess anything up" that was happening with the baby.

"Couldn't you just find some ho's that were willing to have your daughter?" I asked him, pulling on the ropes because they were a little too tight.

He nodded "I could've but that would've been boring."



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