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When I woke up Kayden was screaming at the tv which is what probably woke me up. Once he seen I was waking up he turned and gave me the meanest look but honestly I could careless I was hungry and I had to pee.

I struggled to get out of the bed before finally doing it and wobbling to the bathroom while he watching me.

I used the bathroom and washed my hands before coming out.

"Baby!" Kayden yelled as he ran to the bottom of the bed and hopped off before touching my belly.

How this little nigga not going to like me but like the baby?

"Leave kind alone and come eat" Kentrell spoke from the door frame.

He let go of my belly and ran towards Kentrell and then to the table I'm guessing.

"I'm still not naming my baby Kind" I told him as he shook his head at me.

"But that's her name" he told me.

"No it's not" I continued to argue because there was no way in the hell I was agreeing with this name.

"Watch" he told me before walking out of the room.

Yeah watch her name be Krystal or something not no damn Kind.

I laid back in bed and started to go back to sleep because I was big tired like no cap. I'm ready to drop this baby so I can be me again but then again I'll still be stuck in this house once I drop my baby I'll still be stuck in this house with Kentrell and who the ever fuck else.

I don't really care as long as we are okay and they don't bother us.

I watched whatever it was Kayden was watching as I rubbed my belly, feeling my baby kick.

"Kentrell, What's this I hear about you having a girl on the way?!" I heard a woman yell making me really try to go to sleep now so I wouldn't have to meet her and so I didn't have to hear her be loud as fuck for no reason.

"Where is the girl?!" She asked as her voice got closer.

The door was opened but I kept playing like I was sleep so that I wouldn't be bothered but even if I was really sleep it wouldn't have even mattered because he shook my out of my sleep.

"My momma want to see you and Kind" he told me.

"Well my mother hasn't seen me in 6 months so no" I told him, putting the cover over my head.

"Mane yo momma and here right now so get your ass up and come meet this lady" he told me.

"Uh I hate you."



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