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I had never been on plane, we took the long way down here last time because I insisted and he said he didn't want to here my mouth so we drove but now I decided to let him have it his way

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I had never been on plane, we took the long way down here last time because I insisted and he said he didn't want to here my mouth so we drove but now I decided to let him have it his way.

When we got on the plane...well private jet the boys sat across from me and Kind while Kentrell sat in the row like seats with the other guys.

I took deep breathes before the plane took off.

"You good back there?" I heard Kentrell's voice ask me.

"Yeah" I answered as I looked over at the boys who were playing with each other.

I decided to briefly look out the window and when I did I actually wasn't as scared as I thought I would be, the clouds didn't scare me they just comforted me like my baby does.

"Janna" I heard him call me, but his voice wasn't harsh and rugged like it usually is.

I hummed in response, still looking out the window.

"Can I hold her?" He asked and I took a deep breath.

I stopped looking out the window and looked down at Kind before looking back up at him and sighing.

I handed him Kind and he smiled at, probably surprised at the fact that I handed her to him.

He kissed my forehead and walked away with her, leaving me back here with the boys.

"Janna" Kayden spoke, mocking Kentrell.

I looked over at him and smiled but then looked away and sighed, I was thinking too much. I want to leave again and I want everything to just go back to how it was before I was forced into all of this but it seems that I'm here by choice now.

I've been out the house without him so many times and I could've left then but I keep going back to him. I don't know why, I don't owe him any loyalty I just can't seem to leave and it makes no sense.

It's not like he's treating me bad anymore though so I'm not more tempted to run now but maybe that was all in his plan, maybe he wants me to feel a certain way about him so I won't go.

I snapped out of my deep and lonely thoughts when I felt a hand on my thigh.

I looked away from the window again to see Kentrell sitting across from me still holding Kind.

"You good?" He asked and I nodded at him because I didn't feel like talking anymore.

I want to go home.

I looked down at Kind who was just looking around babbling things which made me smile. That's what I needed I need to smile to take my mind off of things. I need to stop thinking so deep so that things don't hurt me this much and everything will go fine.

I was being back from my thoughts again when I felt his hand snake around my waist and pull me close to him.

"I got you, I promise."



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