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Today everyone was meeting up inside of Kentrells house, including the baby moms that didn't go through the sand thing as Lauran, Ajanna, and Damoni did

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Today everyone was meeting up inside of Kentrells house, including the baby moms that didn't go through the sand thing as Lauran, Ajanna, and Damoni did.

The girls all sat in the living room while the ones that could walk and crawl played with each other which was pretty much every baby except Ajanna, Lauran, Damoni, and Jania.

It was awkward or tense to them they just wondered who the new three girls were because they've never seen them before, not even posted up on Instagram with him like some of his other girls did.

Kentrell finally came out and sat next to Ajanna since she was admittedly his favorite now since she gave him his first baby girl.

He took Kind out of Janna hands and turned towards the group.

"Okay Nisha, Starr, Nia, Jania this is Lauran, Damoni, and Ajanna" he introduced the two groups.

"When did you get them pregnant and where did they come from?" Starr asked Kentrell making Lauran scrunch up her face.

"They cane from their cities and they got pregnant 9 months ago" he answered smartly making her straight face him.

"Seriously I don't trust these girls around my kids, I don't know them" she pouted while everyone just shook their heads.

"While they not all about to be around "your" kids only Ajanna will since she had my girl and Kayden has already stayed the night here and he's just fine" he spoke to Starr, who seemed to the only one with a problem with everything.

"Which ones Ajanna?" Nia asked making Ajanna put a finger in the air as she made silly faces at Kind who just smiled.

"So that's Kinds mom?" Nisha asked as she looked at Ajanna while Kentrell just nodded.

"Okay so both of you have boys?" They asked Damoni and Lauran who nodded their heads.

"What's your sons name?" they asked Lauran first.

"Kahlil" she answered, smiling and playing with his hands.

"He looks older" Nisha spoke looking at the difference between her body and the other 2.

"Premature birth" she informed her.

She nodded "and what's your sons name?" They asked Damoni next.

"Kacen" she answered.

"Well damn just steal my baby name" Jania chuckled but Damoni didn't take it as a joke even though she still shook it off.

Sheronda walked in the house and looked around at all the baby's and their moms.

"This too damn much."



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