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When we pulled up to my moms house after the long ride I was excited but I was tired.

"Can I at least hold her when we first go in?" I asked him seeing him shake his head no.

I sighed "okay."

After that we got out of the car and walked to the front door. I knocked on the door while Kentrell just stood there holding my baby. I looked over at them and stood on my tiptoes a little to talk to her, watching her smile as soon as she seen my face.

"Who is it?" I heard Ayanna's voice ring.

"Ajanna" I answered.

Hearing the door rapidly unlock before I was pulled into the house by a tight hug.

"I missed you so much" she told me as she slung my body side to side.

"Okay I missed you too now let me go" I giggled.

"Who baby?" She asked looking back at Kentrell.

"I didn't know he had a girl" she told me.

"That's because I just had her" I told her making her jaw drop.

"Ma is going to go mad" she told me making me nod.

Right on cue my mother walked downstairs, her eyes landing on my and then Kentrell who was holding my oddly talkative daughter.

"Ajanna girl where you been? I don't get no more call from you, I don't see you, what you been doing?" She asked me.

I looked back at Kentrell before looking at her "I was with him" I told her, pointing at him.

"And whose baby is that? I don't allow children in here unless there kin" she told him while Ayanna shook her head.

"S-She's mine" I told her making her squint at me and Kentrell.

"So you get pregnant and have a baby but don't call your own mother to see you Or nuting?" She asked and I could tell she was starting to get mad.

"Gimme My grand baby" she told Kentrell, holding her arms out for Kind.

"And you are not off the hook Mr. rapper I don't care how much money you got you don't just get my daughter pregnant and then not even bring her to see me" she spoke about to smack Kentrell but I stopped her.

"Ma please don't do that" I plead while she just glared at us.

"Just give the baby" she spoke actually getting Kind this time.

"What's her name?" She asked.




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