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3 months later

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3 months later

"So who's turn is it going to be tonight?" Lauran asked with a smirk on her face.

I came up with this idea to make the girls take turns, for two weeks straight sleeping with me because once they have the babies they're going to be sleeping with me anyways.

Well whoever has my baby girl.

I wanted to make Lauran upset so I choose Damoni first.

Lauran's smirk went away while Ajanna held her same nonchalant face, pissing me off.

"What fuck wrong with you?" I asked looking over at her.

"Leave me alone" she spoke lowly, not looking at me.

This bitch want me to kill her, she's lucky she's pregnant with my baby.

"Take ya ass to yo room then."

She stood up and shrugged, walking out of my room and into her's.

"You can go now too" I looked over at Lauran, she nodded and smiled at me, leaving out of the room.

Damoni looked around my room, ignoring the fact that I was staring at her. Her figure is nice but the baby bump is starting to show.

"Can we watch TV" she asked, catching my attention.

"No, I don't feel like it."

She huffed and nodded, laying down in the bed. I waited until she was under the covers and comfortable before getting in behind her and pulling her body into mine.

She fought me at first, wanting me to move away from her but eventually she just let me hold her.

"You want to have my baby girl?" I asked.

She shrugged "it would be better that way, but I don't really want a baby."

"Whatchu mean it would be better dat way?" I asked, trying to see where her mind at.

"I don't want to be sent away" she spoke up.

I chuckled slightly and shook my head.

Bitches are so selfish it doesn't make any sense to me.


I pulled out the phone that I snuck, I don't know who's it is but it looked they just bought it

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I pulled out the phone that I snuck, I don't know who's it is but it looked they just bought it.

I logged on to my Instagram and went to my sister's page automatically pausing to see her post.

I logged on to my Instagram and went to my sister's page automatically pausing to see her post

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Jamaicanyanna: I miss you Soo much @/Heyimjanna

Darkskinme: um... Where is she?
Jamaicanyanna: @/Darksinme 🤷🏾‍♀️ but my mom says she's fine.

I quickly went to my dm's to text her, scrolling past all the others asking where I was at and was i okay etc.

I finally got to hers and text her.

"Don't tell Mom about this text message or anyone else but hey sis I love and I miss you too but I can't really see you right now even though I really want to, I'm at Youngboy's house and that's pretty much all I can tell you hut don't tell anyone or you're going to get me in trouble."

I heard walking down the hall so I quickly deleted the Instagram app and hid the phone in my bra, laying down like I had been.

There was whispers from across the hall before the key was being put in my door and someone opened it.

"Are you hungry?" Baby Joe asked making look over at him.

I shook my head no and turned back the other way.

"Ight" he spoke before closing my door.

I sighed and looked down at my growing belly. I wonder what my baby will look like and how I'll look with a big stomach. I don't really care much if it is a boy or a girl even though a girl would be nice because I wouldn't be moved away.

It's all just happening too soon.



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