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Lauran laid back as they cut her open so they could take her baby out

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Lauran laid back as they cut her open so they could take her baby out. After this she was being sent to her new house because Kentrell said he didn't trust her so which ever one of them had their baby first had to move out of that house and he would get them a new one and since Lauran was having her baby right now she was the one leaving, again.

She didn't care anymore though, now that she wasn't around Kentrell she was beginning to grow up and realize that he was the only thing that should matter to her, not another woman's baby, not who gets to keep the man or any of that just her little prince.

Once he came out they washed him and handing him to Lauran making her almost cry from looking at how beautiful her son is.

Once he came out they washed him and handing him to Lauran making her almost cry from looking at how beautiful her son is

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"What's his name?" The doctors asked making Lauran look up.

She decided to stick with the rule of the K's and  name him.

"Kahlil Smith."

Not giving him his fathers last name.

The doctor nodded and left room, going to do paperwork. After sitting in the hospital for hours the boys finally came, well just Joe and Kentrell making Lauran folk her eyes and turn over.

"Where's my son?" He asked her, tapping her shoulder.

She pointed to the crib that she was just facing where Kah was laying, sound asleep.

"What did you name him?" He asked her making her sigh.

"Kahlil Smith" she told him.

He nodded at the name, liking the fact that she stuck with the K's and the name had a nice ring to it.

(A/N okay so it was at this point that I realized all of his sons names don't start with a K because TayTay's name is Taylin so... oh well)

"When are they releasing you?" He asked her making her sit up and look at them.

"Tomorrow night" she answered making them nod.

Kentrell was now thinking of what Ajanna would do at the house while he wasn't there or if she'd have an early birth like Lauran did so he called three and Herm to tell them to go to the house and watch her.

During him doing that Kah woke and started to cry making Lauran hush him before picking him and breast feeding him.



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