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"Why?" She asked me.

I shrugged at her "he named her that while I was sleep."

"Why's you give my granddaughter such name?" She asked him.

"Because that's what I wanted to name her" he spoke harshly to my mother making me turn to him and shake my head.

"Don't start no shit with my boy" she told him.

"I already don't like you and you come into my house with a smart mouth, I should smack you" she told him making me and Ayanna share eye contact because if these two kept arguing.

"Okay guys that's enough how about we sit down and talk to each other, nicely" I told them, my mom and Kentrell glared at each other before we sat down.

"How long are you letting her stay?" She asked Kentrell making me raise an eyebrow.

"We're leaving tomorrow afternoon" he answered making her nod.

"When are you bringing her back?" She continued to ask questions making me raise questions in my head.

"Why are you only asking him those type of questions?" I asked.

"Because he's the only one who seems to know the answers to everything" she told me making me roll my eyes.

She was right though but she didn't know why I didn't know the answer to anything, if she did Kentrell would be dead and I don't want him dead I just want to calm down.

It was silent before my mom got up, handing Ayanna Kind before the going to the kitchen to start cooking.

Kentrell played it like he was putting his head on my shoulder and whispered in my ear "you better not say shit about the kidnapping or I'm taking Kind and having your family killed" he told me making me nod.

"Can I come stay with you? Just for a little" she asked me making me look over at Kentrell because it is his house.

"You need to ask yo mama she already don't like me" he told her making her nod and get up to go ask my mom, handing me Kind.

"Give her here" he told me once Ayanna walked away.

"Can I Please just hold her? I missed her" I told him but he shook his head at me.

"Think about it Kentrell where am I going to go?" I asked him making him suck his teeth.

"Remember you said that and don't move from this spot."



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