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"We've been over this already you can't force me to do something I don't want to do!" Ajanna yelled at Kentrell.

"Damn I already had your fucking baby what else do you want from me!" She yelled more while she sat Kind down in her crib.

"I want you to do what I say when I say it!" He yelled at her making her roll her eyes.

"No! You want to fuck someone?! Go find a bitch and fuck her but I'm not fucking you!" She yelled, getting slapped this time making everything go silent.

"Nigga-" she cut herself off, chuckling.

"I know damn well you didn't just smack me."

"I did cause you getting loud for no fucking reason" he told her before pushing her back.

Without hesitation Ajanna brung her fist to his face and punched him in his lip for hitting her but she didn't stop because she knew once she did he'd get her back but her repeatedly punching didn't help and he just picked her up, slamming her onto the wooden table.

She hissed as she arched her back and rubbed it while a tear fell from her eye.

"You lucky I can't press charges on yo bitch ass" she mumbled before hearing him smack his teeth and pick her up.

He carried her to the room and sat her in the bed beside the sleeping K3.

"I still want to fuck but I'll wait until your little ass calm down."

I sighed as I left the room after my nap to go find him since that was what was on my mind now and it was killing me.

I found him playing the game in the living room so I decided against saying it and just turned around to go back to the room but he stopped me.

"You ready now? You done being extra?" He asked me making me making me roll my eyes.

I chuckled at him "never mind stay your little honey ass right there since you want to be disrespectful" I rolled my eyes, turning back towards the room.

"Man come on before the babies wake up" he told me making me sigh in give in to my hormones.

He smirked as I walked over to him in defeat.

"Come on we going to your old room" he told me as I made my way upstairs.

As soon as we made it inside the room Kind's cries could be heard so I was going to leave to see what was wrong and so she wouldn't wake her brother but he stopped me.

"Quickie, lets go" he told me, taking my pants off for me.

"But-" I pointed to the door but he wasn't trying to hear it and bent me over the bed before taking himself out and putting it in making me hiss a little.

I forgot how this felt but now that it was back I liked it this time and I wanted more.



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