#LifeFootPrints Parts71 Another Sad Story about Kids

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Why don't you want kids?
Who will take care of you when you are old?
Who will financially support you when you retire?

A typical Asian family mentality.

If you bring forth a child into this world with a SOLE REASON of making them an investment, a part of your retirement plan, or a safety net, I think that is selfish. You have locked them into a future designed, controlled and predetermined by you. They grow brainwashed by the idea that they are investments, not children, and the investors---the parents, should have their ROI (return of investments). If they choose otherwise, you call them ingrates.

What's worse is you bear these children without being financially and emotionally ready! Just because everybody else is having kids, or you are at that "age", or you want to have them while you're young so you'd look like your kid's sibling. The kids suffer as they grow. These parents think "When they grow up and work, they will help me pay my debts anyway."

When people see homeless and suffering elderly people on the streets you'd often hear: "Wala'y utang kabubut-on ang mga anak ani!" (Their children are a bunch of ingrates!) My heart breaks for them. I love my parents! I would never want to see my parents on the streets! But these elderlies could be one of those who relied too much on the thought that I-have-kids-they-will-take-care-of-me-anyway-mentality. Sadly, the kids didn't, and they weren't prepared. It could be other inevitable circumstances too.

If you really just want a financially secure future, don't have kids! All those money and time you've spent rearing them, you could've invested in yourself, in a business or in stocks, time deposited in a bank, or got an insurance policy. Saves you all those unwanted physical and emotional trouble. Better for your physical and mental health too.

If you really want children, give birth to them because you want to love another being and you want them to be in this world, to grow and experience it; to live their lives as they want it. These kids would grow up and willingly take care of you not out of forced obligation but out of sincere indebtedness and deep love. Worst case scenario, when you age they decide to take another path instead of staying with you, you wouldn't be disappointed and you would be financially ready since you have set your expectations from the start.

Let me emphasize my point here. I am not telling children to not take care of their aging parents. Love your parents! I am telling parents and future parents to end this mentality. Love your children!

Why don't you want kids?
I can barely take care of myself, why would I take care of another human being? I love, love, love kids! Just don't want any of my own. I get my fix by playing with other people's kids.

Who will take care of you when you are old?
There's Me, Myself and I! Possibly a willing volunteer or partner (emphasis on willing), or someone I will hire. But If I come to a point that I can't do it myself, no one is willing, or I can't afford to hire, I'd rather be euthanized. (Bible preachers, save yourself the trouble. Don't comment on euthanasia.)

Who will financially support you when you retire?
Uh. Me? Or a willing partner (emphasis on willing), if I do have one. Otherwise, it's Me, Myself and I again.

Kids for sale? or for fun? for money? 

Oh please rethinking when you really wanna have a kids.. they not for commercial, they not for sale, they deserve for better life, deserved for loves, and don't hurt them.

Notice to my selfTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang