Chpt. 47

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|C H A S I T Y|

"I just feel like things are changing between us. It's like he's getting more and more distant lately, and it's scaring me. I just wish I knew what was in his head", I said to Tasha as we sat at her kitchen table having daiquiris.

"Distant like how?" She asked.

" know...distant. We barely ever spend time together, and whenever I suggest we do there's always an excuse and whenever we do spend time together it just seems like his mind is somewhere else. It just be seemin like that spark we once had is gone or something---atlease on his end. I just don't know what to do cause I love his ass so much---he's the only family I have---I just want things back the way they use to be, before we made this big ass move down here."

"You ever mention this shit to him? Maybe he doesn't realize the way he's been actin."

I rubbed my temples, stressed out. "I have, and whenever I do it always ends with us fighting."

"I don't think he tryin ta distance himself from you, it honestly just sound like he's just stressed. I mean, he's opening this new shop, got this liquor shit going with Ace of Spades, and on top of that he runs several other businesses...he's not purposely trying to be that way towards you, it's all just stress, and as his woman you gotta help him get it under control."

"Maybe you're right but I don't really know. And then us living seperately doesn't help either."

"Yea girl, I don't even know WHAT you were thinking to even suggest that, especially knowing how he likes to hoe around."

"I know but during that time we were on a break remember? I just thought it was a smart idea because I was tired of Rhy constantly hearing us fighting, and I thought us living seperate would make him appreciate me more, but it seem like it made everything worse...and then on top of that, my fucking birthday is this Friday, which is tomorrow. Do you know his ass didn't mention shit about it all week?" I sighed heavily, running my fingers through my hair. "Tash, I can't believe he forgot my birthday."

"I doubt he forgot about your birthday, Chas, this is Murk we're talking about, a nigga that's been with you for seven years. Now, he may slip up and forget yalls anniversary or some shit like that but your birthday? I highly doubt he would ever forget something that important. People who been together for as long as you and him don't forget shit like that."

"Well, he's really been acting like his ass forgot, I mean, he hadn't said shit about it all week...nothing", I said, unable to hide the hurt in my voice.

"Okay, well, has he ever forgot your birthday in all the years yall been together?"

I rotated the straw in my bananna-strawberry daiquiri, thinking about it. "No, not really...he's never forgotten my birthday, hell, to be real, he's never even forgotten our anniversary."

"Okay, so he never forgot any important dates, including your birthday, so why would he start now? But it is odd that he didn't mention shit about it...oh shit", a light bulb went off in her head and she grinned, "girl, maybe he been keeping quiet about it cause he's surprising you!" She yelled excitingly.

I smiled, the thought never even crossed my mind. "You know what? He probably is! That sound like some shit he'd do..I mean, he surprised me before for Valentine's day last year."

"See?" She smacked her thigh. "I knew he wouldn't forget your birthday. I mean come on girl, you should've known better than that since his ass is crazy about you. He probably planning something big too...Oh my gawd", she excitingly hopped up out of her seat, grabbing my hand. "We need to head to VS to pick you out some bomb ass lingerie so yall could end the night with a bang! ..and oh my gawd girl, there's this shit yall should try, theres this oral sex candy where ya man puts it on his tongue and it has this popping sensation when he goes down on you, kinda like pop rocks, it feels good as hell, yall really need to try that."

I laughed. "I would love to try that but girl MurkSoFresh does not go down whatsoever."

Tasha looked at me in disbelief. "What do you mean he don't go down on you? The fuck kind of shit is that?"

I shrugged. "He just doesn't do it, it's not his thang."

She put her hands on her hips. "Well, do you do it to him?"


Tasha shook her head. "That's one selfish ass nigga."

"He's not selfish", I said defending him, "it's just not something he's into and I don't wana force shit on him like that. Besides, you know how these hood niggas is, they refuse to try any thing new."

She rolled her eyes. "You right about these hood niggas which is why I need to stop fuckin with em." She grabbed her purse off the table and dragged me out of my seat. "Come on, we need to hurry up before the mall closes, and when we get back I'm gonna hook your head up with some spiral curls since you said he liked it the last time."

So that's it, he's surprising me

I smiled, relieved.

I couldn't help the excitement that took over me as I thought about what my man possibly had in store for me. I knew whatever it was had to be extravagant because that was just how he moved. He didn't do cheap, boring shit, he thought outside of the box and had no limit when it came to his spending, especially when it was on me.

Author's Notes: ~had to republish this chapter cause WP tangled up the words and had it lookin fucked up~

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