Chpt. 53

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"Jake, I don't think I could do this!" I yelled as I held on to his hand, praying that I wouldn't lose my balance and fall flat on my ass and embarrass myself in front of all these people.

Jake chuckled at my frantic behavior. "Yes, you can baby...look at you, you got it already", he said in that low, smooth voice.

I immediately freaked out once I looked down and realized he had let go of my hand and I was gliding across the rink by myself without any guidance or direction.

"No, take my hand please!" I panicked, about to burst into tears.

Me and Jake had been spending alot of time together, and this was one of our many dates, and on each date he always surprised me with something I've never experienced before---mountain climbing, jet skiing, sky diving, and now roller skating, but I hated this entire experience and knew it was definitely going to be my last time ever coming back here or putting rollerblades any near my feet.

Jake quickly grabbed my hand, bringing me into his arms. "You don't got to be scared bae", he said softly. "You can do it, it's easy."

I just stood there wrapped up tightly in his arms with my cheek pressed against his chest as our skates rolled us to wherever.

Being in his arms felt so warm and comforting, and his voice---it was so soothing---and his cologne---it smelled so good. I felt so safe with him that my anxiety was slowly easing away.

"See." He looked down at me as I held onto him. "It aint bad. You just gotta get use to it. Baby steps", he told me, his smooth, cool voice doing something to my soul.

"Umma let you go and hold ya hand now, aight?"

I took a deep breath and nodded my head.

He slowly unwrapped his arms from around my body, then took my hand. As soon as he grabbed onto my hand, I stumbled on my feet alittle, causing me to panick, bringing back my anxiety. "Jake!"

"I aint left nowhere baby, I'm right here...see." He held my hand tighter as we skated slowly together, sliding past a group of people.

"O-okay", I said, my voice shivery, reflecting how scared I was.

I looked around at the rink and was amazed at how good everyone else seem to be. People were showing off their skills and doing all types of tricks. I felt like I was the only one struggling.

Jake took his time with me, teaching me in the best way he knew how. After much falling and stumbling, I finally got the hang of it and was having fun.

"Look at my chocolatey queen", Jake beamed proudly as he watched me move around freely on my own.

After skating, we put the rollerblades back over the counter, then put back on our regular shoes.

"I'm hungry", I whined.

He looked down at me with those pretty set of dark blue eyes, smiling---his grills sparkling between his pink full lips. "Then lets get you something to eat then."

With my hand in his, we strolled over to the other side of the rink where there was a concession stand, which was the noisest area out of the whole building.

The line was a little long but was getting shorter and shorter within minutes. Soon, we were the second ones standing in line infront of a few middle school aged kids who were taking forever to make up their minds.

"What you want baby?" Jake asked in that sexy low voice. I watched as he pulled out a thick wad of hundred dollar bills rolled up in a gold clip. "We could get whatever you want."

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