Chpt. 23

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|A L Y S S A|


I couldn't believe my eyes. I had to blink twice to make sure they weren't playing tricks on me.

This was definitely Zachary.

I took a good look at him as we stood there staring at eachother for awhile, not even paying attention to our surroundings, it was though it was just me and him in our own little world.

So much had changed about him and yet so much remained the same.

He was tatted up all over his body and I noticed a tiny tattoo on the left side of his hairline that said "ALB" in cursive. There were a mass of colorful tattoos on his neck and a bunch on both of his muscular arms. His cologne was driving me crazy and his blue eyes were making me melt, the same way they did when I laid eyes on them for the very first time.

I smiled as he stood before me looking even more sexier than the last time I saw him, which was the day he broke my heart.

He stared at me with those ocean blue eyes---eyes that still captivated my soul. "Damn, it's been forever Lyssa."

He reached over to hug me and I lived for his embrace, not wanting to let him go but not wanting to seem too obvious either.

"You're right, it has been a very long time!!" I hugged him tighter. "Oh my God Zachary, how have you been!?" I asked in surprise.

"I been good, I can't complain... but shit, what about you?", he asked, finally releasing me from his arms.

"So much. I graduated from Clark Atlanta University last year and now I'm a freshman at Emory school of law!" I yelled over the booming music.

"Oh word?" he asked in amazement.


"Damn ma, I'm proud of you", he said as he stared into my eyes, the way he use to do when we were inlove but I immediately got nervous and looked away.

"Well, I would love to invite you up to VIP with me so we could hang out and talk some more if that's cool?"

"I would like that! Can I go and get my cousins? I came with them"

"Oh yea, sure, shawty it aint no big", he assured me. "Umma be up there", he pointed up stairs to VIP. "Every body up there my entourage and shit. I'll tell security to let you in aight?"

"Entourage?" I asked with my brow raised.

Well damn, he has an entourage?

"Yea." He chuckled at the look on my face. "But anyways I'm bouta head up there now"

I smiled. "Okay." I was eager to hurry and get my cousins so we could meet him up there.

He gave me another hug, this one tighter than the last. "Hope I see you", he said before walking off.

As he walked off I noticed all types of people stopping to hug him and take pictures with him. Judging by the way people were clinging to him he was clearly someone of importance.

I rushed to where I left my cousins and Amiah and they were still there dancing away.

I pulled Vicki and Junior to the side. "Oh my God yall, I just saw Zachary!" I told them, still in shock.

"Your ex Zachary?" Vicki asked.

"Yea girl, him...he's in VIP and he invited me up and I want yall to come!"

"VIP?? Hell yea bitch yeen gotta tell my ass twice!" Junior squealed in excitement. "You know how hard it is to get in VIP in clubs like this?"

"Wow Lyssa...what's he doin in Atlanta anyways?" Vicki asked.

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