Chpt. 62

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|A L Y S S A|

I took a sip of my pumpkin spice latte before looking over at Junior sitting across from me. "So? How did it go?" I asked, referring to the dinner he had a few nights ago with his husband's family.

He lift his Cartier aviator sunglasses up from his eyes and placed them over his curly hair. "Everything how I expected but worse." He looked down at his wedding band as he continued, "His father didn't look at me or Gissie—-his grandchild—-the entire time nor did he so much as touch the food that my ass spent all day preparing. And his mama", he sighed, "well, you could tell she really didn't want to be there. Basically the father came to our home just to tell us that he forgave us and that he no longer has hatred in his heart about the situation and he'll keep praying for us." He looked at both me and Vick. "Can yall believe that?" He chuckled in disbelief. "Didn't apologize for disowning his own flesh and blood, didn't want to talk about everything he missed out on, didn't talk about rebuilding their relationship as father and son, didn't even want to get to know me or Gissie, just came by to talk about how much he no longer hated him, as if he was 'being gay' just to spite him or something."

Vick shook her head, disgusted. "I just feel bad for Eric. Have to go through all that with his own father just because he has no romantic interest in women...must really hurt."

He waved her off. "Don't feel bad for him or us. We'll be okay. I'm over it and so is he. Can't let negative people have control over your life or how you feel about yourself—-blood or not."

She nodded her head, agreeing.

The entire situation with Eric and his father bothered me, mainly because I never had a chance to really know my father because he passed away when I was just 4 years old but here was Erick, a man who's father was alive and healthy but refuses to have any type of relationship with his only child just because he didn't want a gay son. I just knew that type of hate from the person who's suppose to love you the most just got to hurt in the most painful way.

"Yepp", Junior shrugged, "that's life...I'm tired of feeling like shit over it. But uhh..enough about me." He looked to his side at Vicki. "Vick do you have something you wanna share with the class?"

Vick kept silent, embarrassed at being put on the spot. She was acting a bit strange...too strange.

I looked across the table between the both of them, confused. " someone gonna tell me what's going on?" I put my cup of latte to my lips and took a few sips as I waited.

Junior smirked. "She butt dialed me when her and Jake was fuckin and I heard everything."

I spat out my latte. "Come again!?"

"GIRL SHE BUTT DIALED ME WHILE HE WAS FUCKING HER!" He burst out in laughter. "She was soo loud and he was talking so much shit too. He was lettin her ass have it. And they -"

"Alright Junior, my gawd, that's enough." She rolled her eyes at him. "And can you be any more louder? We're in a cafe."

"Girl hush," he grinned, "before I call Jake over here to take care of that ass again."

I couldn't believe my ears. "Is this true Vick?"

She was hesitant for awhile before she answered. "It is." She sighed, looking down at her caramel cappuccino. "I was drunk, and I'm just glad it butt dialed Junior and not Jeremy."

"I wish it did though", Junior mumbled.

I felt my phone vibrating and took it out my pocket to see that I got a text from Zach.

My ❤️: hey pretty lady, can u send me a pic so my day could be a lil better

I couldn't help the smile that crept on my lips.

He always want a picture.

I put my phone away and turn my attention back to the conversation between my cousins.

"I don't even know how I feel about it to be honest", Vick replied. "I mean, apart of me feel terrible about the whole thing because I'm married and then there's this other part of me that don't. After spending so much time with Jake, I realized he's literally everything I wish Jeremy could be." She traced the rim of her cup with her finger. "He's so sweet and gentle with me. The way he handles me is always so careful, as if he sees me as this delicate flower. He's not rough, harsh, or hostile. Everything about him is gentle and soft towards me, even his voice. The way he handles me is soooo—-different. Completely different from how Jeremy handles me, even in the bed room you know?"

"Let me make this easy for you girl." Junior clasped his hands together. "Divorce that hoe of a husband of yours and give yourself a chance with Jake."

She looked in deep thought for awhile before she said, "There's so many things wrong with that statement. For one it's nowhere near that easy, me and Jake are feeling eachother but that doesn't change the fact that he's a lot younger than me and I don't wana to be in a interracial relationship. I believe in Black love, you guys know that. It's just," she shook her head, "it's just not right."

"But Jeremy is black and look how he dogs you", Junior pointed out, "sometimes it ain't about black love but just regular shmegular plain ol love, and if you find that in the form of a man that's not black then so be it."

"My soul mate is not a white man." She shuddered at the idea. "Or better yet a white boy." She took a sip of her drink. "He's 19, he still a child and has a lot to learn."

Junior chuckled. "Didn't sound like no damn child to me the way he had your ass screaming for Jesus."

"I understand where you're coming from Vick", I said, "but you shouldn't pass up the chance to be genuinely happy cause of that. Jake really likes you. Zach even told me himself how he's never seen his brother so pressed over a woman before. All he talks about is you."

I looked at her as she picked her manicured nails, barely even acknowledging what I just said. I knew she liked Jake, she was just putting on a front cause she wasn't completely ready to let go of Jeremy for whatever reason.

I sighed. "Look, just don't hurt him...he's a good guy Vickoya. If you're not into him like he's into you, just leave him be."

She shrugged. "Right now I'm just enjoying myself so whatever happens happens but right now he's nothing more than just my personal sex toy and someone who'll do whatever I say."

I rolled my eyes at her statement before getting up from my seat. "I gotta go to the bathroom."

A/N: Sorry for uploading the same chapter y'all but Wattpad is really tripping

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