Chpt. 71

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|A L Y S S A|

"I can't wait to make you Mrs. Dominic Frauster", he said behind me as he stared at me through the mirror while I was brushing my teeth. "Our babies are gonna look really good. They'll have your beautiful looks—-your pretty chocolate skin and long hair—-and then of-course they're gonna have my brains."

But not your common sense because clearly you don't have any, I thought to myself as he stood there with that arrogant smirk on his face.

I rinsed the toothpaste out of my mouth, grabbed my towel from beside the sink and wiped my mouth. "I'm tired", I said flatly, "I'm going to bed."

Before he could respond I was already exiting my bathroom and entering the bedroom connected to it.

He walked up behind me as I was looking through my dresser for my pajamas. "Are you sure you're feeling okay?"

" fine as I'll ever be", I replied in a sarcastic tone.

He scratched the side of his head, looking at me with a confused look on his face. "Umm..okay."

After changing into my Spongebob onesie, I went over to the bed and started sliding back the comforter preparing to get in.

"Can you wear something a bit sexier?" He asked.

"These are comfortable", I said, getting into bed and pulling the comforter up over my body, "and I'm sleepy."

I honestly wasn't in the mood, like at all, and wished I could go to see Zach at this very moment. I don't know how I was going to break the news to him or whether I should break it all, but then again, I have to tell him since he was going to find out eventually. Realizing that I might have to permanently end it with Zachary was stressing me out worse than upcoming exams

"I know but I was hoping that maybe—-just maybe—-we could make love tonight and that I could actually get fellatio from you", he said, getting into the bed, "I mean, tonight is a special night for us and I just want to make love to you. It's like nothing I do ever makes you happy anymore Alyssa."

I scooted away from him. "I keep telling you I don't like putting private parts in my mouth. I've never done that before and I don't ever want to", nothing but lies we're coming out of my mouth. I sucked Zach's dick several times and I grown to like it actually.

Dom sighed in frustration, like he was irritated with always having to ask me for sex. "Well can I at lease do it to you?"

"I don't like that either", I lied once again.

Dom snatched back the covers and hopped out of bed with an attitude. "You're never in the mood...what's your deal?"

"Excuse me?" I snapped.

"You know what's funny to me? Ever since you've been associating yourself with that gang banger—-that...that...thug——you're never in the mood." He started pacing the floor, heated, beyond upset. "I love you Alyssa but I feel like I'm not getting back the same efforts in return! It's like you don't appreciate me or anything I do. I try so hard to make you feel like a queen because you are but you've been treating me like trash lately. I'm just sick of-"

I let out this irritated, annoyed groan. "If I give you a handjob would you please leave me alone? All you do is nag! If you wanted a girl that was gonna jump when you say jump and do everything you demanded then maybe you should have stayed with one of those white girls you messed around with in college!" I regretted those words right after they left my lips because the look on Dominic's face was as if I just shattered his heart in pieces.

I sighed, tired of it all. "Dom...I'm sorry, I'm just going through a lot."

He sat down near me on the bed, gently took my hand and gave me a look that told me everything's gonna be okay. "Then talk to me Alyssa, that's what I'm here for, whatever you're going through we could work it out together...When it's all said and done I just want you to be happy, that's all I've ever wanted."

I couldn't do this anymore...maybe I should just put it all out there and tell him how I truly do feel?

"Dom, I-" I looked in to his eyes and seen a man who gave me every part of his heart, a man that the world would see as the type of man a girl like me deserves, a man everyone was always telling me I should be grateful for, a man that's stood by me and supported me for so long.

I can't hurt him....and I can't disappoint my mother.

I sighed. "It's nothing."

He raised his brow. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure", I lied.

"Well..there's something that's been bothering me, and it's your relationship with Murk."

"What about it?" I asked even though I already knew where this was going.

"You already know my stance on it but I'll go over it again. I want you to stay away from him. He's dangerous, disrespectful, arrogant and -"

I looked at him annoyed. "How could you make these assumptions and you have never even met him?"

"I've heard these things about him. His business is everywhere—-always in the blogs—-everywhere—-and it's almost always nothing positive. He's nothing but a thug. I don't want anything to happen to you and I don't trust him. I already believe that he's trying to get into your panties, since that's what he's known for...hell, maybe he's already did", he said, eyeing me suspiciously.

I started feeling guilty as if I had already been caught.

"No he hasn't!" I replied defensively, "what type of woman do you think I am? Our friendship has been nothing but platonic and all I'm doing is helping him with the designs of his shop. How many times do I have to express this to you? I've never cheated on you or given a reason to think I ever will."

He leaned against the bedroom wall with his arms folded across his bare chest. "If there's nothing between you two then it should be easy to end whatever's going on."

I lied there in bed, staring up at the ceiling, feeling defeated and my world was shattering apart.

"I'll stop speaking to him."

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