Chpt. 82

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|A L Y S S A|

"You've been awfully quiet lovely", Dom said, snatching me out of my thoughts from the conversation I had with Zach a few days ago, "something's on your mind?" He took his brown eyes off the dark road and looked over at me leaning back in my seat.

I thought for awhile about how I was going to run this by him before speaking, "I just been under a lot of stress lately so I've been thinking that maybe I need a little know, with just me, by myself, unwinding for a bit. Getting away from everything."

He raised his brow. "Oh?" He put his hand on the back of the head rest of my seat then looked over at the road as he switched lanes, "and where are you thinking about going for this little getaway?"

"Umm I don't know", I played dumb for awhile, "I been thinking about Greece. I've always wanted to go you know."

The car fell silent for a while as he quietly drove, seemingly in deep thought over what I just told him. I focused my attention on the dice hanging over the rear view mirror, not knowing what else to say in this uncomfortable silence. It was obvious that he wasn't too fond of this idea for whatever reason. "Going overseas by yourself seems a bit dangerous", he finally said, "maybe I should come with you."

I looked down at his hand on my thigh and put my hand over it, caressing it. "I know, but I just prefer to go alone. So much chaos going on in my life with law school, Vicki and my mother", I said, thinking about how sick she's been, "I just need to be alone for awhile or else I'm gonna need to be committed, and you wouldn't want that would you?"

He rubbed his hand over the well defined waves in his hair. "Okay well. I guess I failed at talking you out of it...So? When do you plan on going?"

I looked down at my phone and saw that today was Tuesday. "This weekend", I answered. "My flight leaves Friday morning." The truth was that Zach actually rented us a private jet and we literally could leave whenever we wanted.

He looked surprised. "I see you must've had this trip on your mind for awhile seeming that you already made reservations."

I nodded in response.

He sighed. "Just be safe okay? And please answer whenever I call. You know I worry, especially with you being in some strange country all by yourself. You know how bad my anxiety could get in situations like that."

I looked out of the window at the passing cars. "I promise to answer."

The car was quiet for a few seconds before he decided to turn back up the volume of the radio. The sweet soft tune of Ciara's I can't leave him alone started to play. I nodded my head to the beat as I listened to Ciara's words in the course of the song, it fit so well with the situation I was in at the current moment, and I was grateful that they were playing the original version and not that other girl's.

I'm embarrassed to admit it but yes Zach was a dope boy and probably still is, yes his violent bad boy ways turned me on to a T and no I couldn't leave him alone no matter how hard I tried. Even when we had that argument and I told him never to contact me anymore, his face, voice and touches wouldn't leave my mind. I missed him so much that it hurt, that's why I was secretly happy when he called me because I was finally able to hear his voice after 2 long weeks. Dom was a great guy, a kind guy, an abide by the book type guy, and everyone is always in my ear telling me how lucky I was and how grateful I should be to have a man like him and I probably should be but the plain truth is that he bored me and I was tired of being in a relationship with no excitement and no sparks.

Decisions, decisions...

We finally reached the destination of my uncle's house and parked in the drive way. Dominic stepped out of the driver's side and opened the door for me as usual.

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