Chpt. 52

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|A L Y S S A|

Mariah's powerful vocals spilled through the speakers of my condo as me, Junior and Vickoya decorated the christmas tree in my dining room.

Ohhh baby I miss you ohhhh most at Christmas time, and I can't get you, no no nooo, get you out my miiinndddd. Every otha season come along and I'm alriiight but I miss yooouuuu most at Christmas tiiimmeee.

We horribly song along with her before bursting out into laughter.

"We sound so ugly", Vick laughed as she reached down to pick up the ornament she dropped.

Junior squinted his eyes at her. "Who the hell is we? That's yall sweaty neck gorilla lookin heifas messing up my flow. I sound like Whitney."

He then turned to me and shoved my shoulder with his elbow, causing me to stumble and almost drop the egg shaped ornament I was trying to hang on the tree.

"Goodness Junior", I snapped at his playfulness. "What is it?"

"You met up with Murk about the club the other night rememba?...Did he like the ideas you came up with or what?

"Umm.." My heart raced as I stood there quiet for awhile, alittle embarrassed.

"Umm what?" He folded his arms infront of him and raised his brow. "Spill girl, cause you looking like you just got caught with your hand in the cookie jar or something."

I hung the sparkly star shaped ornament on the tree before walking a few feet backwards to sit down on the sofa. Vicki and Junior never took their eyes off me.

"We didn't go over my ideas", I told them.

Vick looked at me confused. "And why is that?"

I sat there quiet for awhile, silently praying they wouldn't judge me for what I was about to say.

"Cause I was too busy riding him."

Vicki's mouth dropped.

"I knew it!" Junior yelled. "Look how funny she been walking, I know that no dick inda pants havin ass boy Dom aint responsible for that shit", he told Vick, who disappointly shook her head at me. "Alyssa I warned you about him."

"I know but I just couldn't help myself. All those feelings I had for him just came back that night and one thing led to another", I explained to her. "Now everything is so complicated."

Vick took a seat beside me on the plush sofa. "Alyssa, what you did was messed up, selfish and foul", she said, not holding anything back. "Dom's been beside you for 5 years and you just cheated on him with your ex, who, not only has a history of being a play boy but also has a girlfriend and a child."

I looked at her. "Vick, I already feel bad enough. I don't need you to make me feel any worse. Okay?"

She sighed. "I'm sorry...It's just, I've been cheated on incase you've forgotten so I kind of sympathize with the victims of this situation. And I-"

"Yea, yea, yea", Junior waved her off and sat on the other side of me. "Tell us how was the dick." He drooled. "The color, the size, the thickness, the taste, everything!"

I smiled and pat his knee. "That's for me to know and for you to never ever find out."

"I don't agree with what you both did", Vick chimed in, "but I can't lie and say I'm not curious about that as well", she shamefully admitted.

Junior shoved me. "Come on girl. I'm gay so he'll never look my way. Atlease tell me how it was since that's the closest I'm ever go get."

"Okay, fine", I said, giving in, "it was THE BOMB. It was better than how it was when he took my virginity. I mean, oh my gawd, his dick is so powerful, I felt it touching my soul with each stroke"

Junior's eyes widen as he clenched his invisible pearls. "Oh my..."

"So I take it he was better than Dom?" Vick asked.

I gave her a duhh look. "Ofcourse he was better than Dom...and to he honest with you I'm still sore."

"Did you soak in some epsome sault?"

I laughed. "Yea but it barely helped."

"Wow", was all Vick and Junior could say.

"Yea", I said. Then I got serious as I thought about something that's been burning on my mind for a while--- something that's been hunting me for years. "You guys, I'm thinking about telling him what happened."

It didn't take long for them to realise what I was referring to.

"You think you're ready for that?" Vick asked, her tone gentle and sensitive. She's been with me through it all and I honestly don't know how I would've survived such an experience without her and Junior by my side.

I sighed, running my fingers over my hair. "It's not really about me being ready...he deserves to know regardless of whether I'm ready or not. I just hope he'd be understanding about it."

Vick put her hand on my shoulder. "I'm pretty sure he will be...I mean, you were only doing what you thought was best at the time..when are you planning on telling him?"

I stood up and went towards the tree to finish decorating. "Tomorrow", I answered her, "I see him tomorrow, that's when I'm gonna tell him everything."

Within a few seconds, her and Junior were joining me near the tree.

Vick digged in the box and pulled out a gold egg shaped ornament. "You know, you don't have to do this", she said, hanging the ornament on the tree.

"I know, and honestly I'm scared shitless over what his reaction might be...but it has to be done."

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