Chpt. 57

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|C H A S I T Y|

I stared up at the ceiling in deep thought over what happened between me and Murk.

Al though we broke up many times before, this time hurt the worse and had me depressed out of my mind.

Unlike the other times he's cheated, he didn't send flowers and gifts, he didn't attempt to sway me back into his arms with soft words, he didn't imply anything about me on social media, infact, he continued to post pictures of him living his best life as if we didn't just end our relationship a few days ago.

This breakup felt different because I knew that this time was permanent. How could it not be? He did things with that woman he's always refused to with with me. Looked at her in ways he's never looked at me or anyone else. Had her fucking name stamped on him for the rest of his life. He told me in my face that he was inlove with her, not giving a damn about how I felt about it or what the hell I thought. This nigga had even did unthinkable and named MY damn child after that bitch.

I spent the entire week looking up this girl on social media as well as reading the multiple articles that were posted about her on gossip sites ever since she's been linked to Murk. Aparently she graduated at the top of her class with honours in high school, attends one of the best law schools in all of Georgia and likes to spend her spare time volunteering at homeless shelters and helping out with charity events.

She was a spoiled bitch brought up by a wealthy white collar environment while I was a hoodrat with nothing but a 10th grade education. Anyone could tell by the innocent look she possessed that she's never been tainted by street life like I've been and I envied that about her.

She was one of those type of broads that had everything---always got whatever they wanted---and now she had my man, a man I gave my blood, sweat and tears to and bent over backwards trying to please.

The thought of the whole thing was making me phyically and mentally sick. I've never felt so disrespected in my entire life, not even by my foster family who put me through the worse emotional and physical abuse imaginable, not even by those dirty ass, nasty breath ass motherfuckas he had me fuck just to provide for our family, not even some of my high school teachers who told me I'd never amount to shit.

I burst into a fit of tears, wanting nothing more than to die.

How could he do this to me?

Me. The one who's been there for him through thick and thin and never left his side when things got hard. The one who's the mother of his only child. The one who been his rock for as long as we've known eachother.

"Mommy!" The mattress bounced as Rhy hopped on the bed, disturbing my thoughts. I quickly wiped the tears from my eyes, not wanting her to worry about me.

I was feeling so out of it that not even my baby's bright smile could lighten up my mood.

She crawled over to me and climbed into my lap. She studied my face for a bit before burying her face into the crook of my neck. "Was wong mommy?"

No matter how hard I tried to hide my mood from my child, she always could sense it.

I looked down at her, forcing a small smile. "Mommy is okay Rhy...I promise."

She smiled up at me and playfully pinched the bridge of my nose causing us both to giggle.

"Daddy pickin me up todaaaay", she sang.

The mention of his name made my skin crawl and the fact that she resembled him so much didn't help the situation either. I tried my best to hold in all of my tears as I forced another smile. "Yes baby, he is." I picked her up off the bed and carried towards the bathroom connected to my bedroom to get started on her bath. "He should be here right in an hour or so."

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