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Leo, age 8
Leo had just come back from his injection. His left arm felt as if it was on fire and the rest of his body wasn't far off that mark.

He punched the wall with his right hand. Why was he cursed with being here? What did he do to deserve this? Nothing!

He took a deep breath and just lay on his dirty, old mattress trying to think of what life was like before. A tear formed in his eyes as he could only remember a life of horror and pain - abusive parents that sold him for gold as soon as someone with a bit of money came calling.

He closed his eyes as more tears formed. Was his life meant to be this way?

"Someone please, help me. I don't wanna be in constant pain... I don't wanna die..." he said to the empty room, aware that no one heard the little boys prayer.

"I was gonna fuck that bitch, but Berial caught me and nearly killed me," he heard a guards voice.

Leo quickly wiped away his tears. There was no way he was showing any sort of weakness to these bastards.

They didn't enter his cell and Leo put his ear next to the door, to try and hear them better. Who was the bitch he was talking about? Another prisoner? Leo didn't want to believe it, but a small voice told him to have hope. He contained himself - that person was a prisoner too after all. They may have been as young as him.

And was Berial the name of the bastard that did the tests and tortured Leo? He hoped he would get to use it on him, even if it resulted in extreme pain - his surprise and anger would make it worth it.

He heard another guard speak. "You tried fucking her in the hallway, you dumb bastard. Besides, why go for her? The real beauty is that silver haired one. She's young but already fine as fuck."

There was another prisoner? Leo's hope was getting bigger, but again he contained himself. After all, she was a prisoner too and the guard said she was also young. The guard sounded like 35, so was she a teenager? She might be really strong! Or at least, Leo hoped she would be super strong.

He heard a third voice. Another guard. "You two better not try anything. Berial might actually kill you," he said worriedly. The other two laughed at the friend.

"Stop being a pussy!" He doesn't have to find out. Not like there are any cameras here and we can be in and out in five minutes," the first guard spoke. "In fact, I'll take you up on that offer of the silver hair. I wanna see her scream tonight!"

Leo eyes widened. They were going to torture another prisoner! And there was nothing he could do... He clenched his fist and felt the feeling of helplessness engulf him.

He knew there was nothing he could do. Leo promised himself that if he ever had the power to help someone, he would. But right now, that promise was never going to come to fruition.

Virgo, age 8
Virgo was having his free time. For exactly an hour a day, an hour before sunset, he was allowed outside in a small space to get some fresh air. His small space consisted of the door and wall of where he entered and exited and three metal fences that he could see through. He could put his fingers through the grates of the front fence and look at the view overlooking a cliff, a lake in the distance and the sun hitting it perfectly at sunset  - which he would have enjoyed way more if it wasn't for him being tortured every day.

From the left fence he could see the building jutting outward, so he was just looking at concrete slab. Over on the right, he saw mountains going far into the distance.

The view may have been beautiful, but it uncovered a terrible truth - he was in the middle of nowhere and no one would ever be able to find and rescue him..

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