Chapter 48: Scorpio

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They saw mountains in the distance as they approached the central of the Crey Islands. Two intimidating, lifeless mountains devoid of any speck of grass stood ominously before them, as if daring the Zodiacs to come face them. They were so large, the peaks went up past the clouds.

Scorpio stood at the edge of the ship - one of the crew from the mast had said that land was near them. She had been confident of facing Berial and his little pet, but now she wasn't so sure.

"I'm getting a weird feeling being here..." Gemini said, his foot nervously tapping the wooden deck repeatedly.

He was sat at a table, trying to play cards with Aries and Virgo. They were all clad in armour made by Wayland.

Scorpio agreed that something was off. She felt something too - it was like the air had gotten thicker here, like in the demon realm, the air filled with the stench of death and decay. The island itself was pretty foggy and she could barely make anything out.

"I get what you mean," Virgo said, nervously adjusting a shoulder strap. His silver armour was outlined with emerald green and actually made him look like a competent demonhunter.

"So shall we..." Gemini began.

"If you say we turn back, I'll stab you," Leo threatened ruthlessly, his normally twinkling eyes now cold and distant, staring at the mountains, his eyebrows furrowed, his jaw clenched. Scorpio noticed his right hand keep touching the hilt of his sword - he was battle ready. He was leaning against a cabin, arms folded, as Gemini swallowed nervously and went back to playing cards - he had got the message and didn't complain further.

It was lucky Aqua hadn't heard Leo's threat, otherwise she would be goading him to do it and starting a fight with him right then.

"Well, I think that... we finally get to show our stuff." Aries was wearing a smirk, and was trying to look more relaxed and at ease than Leo, but Scorpio saw right through his facade. He was secretly terrified at what was going to happen next. He was just trying to be brave for the rest of them and Scorpio admired him for that.

"I can't wait to kill that son of a bitch," Taurus said. Scorpio thought he was in bed, but he had left and was now joining them on the deck.

"You can barely fight," Scorpio raised an eyebrow.

Taurus scoffed. "Then you know nothing about me. I'm ready to take any demon who stands in our way or not." He raised his hand which was in a clenched fist. "I'll take down Berial, even if it costs me my life."

"Well, you almost did. You still haven't told us what the hell you were doing that might," Aries scowled, putting a card on the table and then picking up the entire stack they had made.

"You don't need to know," Taurus stepped towards him, daring him to face him. Scorpio looked in his eyes and could have sworn there was pain in them. What the hell had happened?

Aries wasn't one to back down from anything, so he stood face to face with him. "Yeah well, you look like you're about to drop dead. How about you stay in your cosy bed, with your little girlfriend and let us handle the demons."

"What'd you say?" Taurus pushed Aries, who took a step back.

"You heard."

"Both of you shut the fuck up!" Scorpio snapped, turning around to face them, a face full of fury. "You want to kill each other, or Berial, our actual target? I ask that you take your anger out on that bastard instead because we are all friends here, and if you don't accept that, I'll happily throw you off this ship!"

"Whatever," Aries replied, his eyes rolling, but Scorpio heard him and Taurus both mumble an apology.

"If you guys really wanna know ... I was doing something for Malus," Taurus said, sitting down and grabbing a hand from the deck.

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