Chapter 18: Pisces

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The demon Pisces, Taurus and Mordecai are facing!

Three demons ran at them. Pisces saw that all three were the same type - they were three headless horsemen in full black armour on top of black horses.

They each carried a different weapon in their weapon arm - a skeletal sword, a skeletal flail and a skeletal whip - while under their other arm they carried a rotten, human head, their eyes open and flickering around and a large, horrific grin that went from one side of their face to the other.

Their horses were no better. They were much larger than ordinary horses and each had red, demonic eyes, with their hooves leaving fiery engravings in the ground.

"I've gotta be honest here, fighting demons isn't my specialty," Taurus said, raising his sword to the horseman with the flail.

"Three dullahans?" Mordecai muttered. "This isn't good..."

"Why isn't it good?" Pisces asked worriedly, clutching his sword without the slightest idea of how to use it.

"These demons only appear when someone's about to die. If the head says your name and you hear it, you die..." Mordecai said. "They can only say your name as you're going to die though, not before. That's why we're not dead already," he explained.

"I hate demons..." Taurus muttered, as each o the demons begun to cackle.

"Two demonhunters and one of kin," one sang.

"Shall die by our hand, as they have sinned," another head continued. Pisces thought it was like watching a horror opera show.

"No one escapes a dullahan, let alone three," the third sang in a low, hostile tone.

"So each will die, with no one to hear their screams," they finished together ominously.

"Maybe if we make our own little song up, they'll forget about us? Or at the very least let's put our shirts above our head and pretend we're carrying a head around?" Pisces asked.

"Sorry, kid, but that ain't going to work. I'll take ugly with the flail, I suppose you two can take one each?"

"I'll take two of them on," Mordecai said. "Pisces, sit back and try and not get yourself killed."

That was very much what Pisces wanted to do, but his father said he would need to be able to use his sword. His mother was adamant he had to leave with Mordecai and Mordecai was protecting him for a reason.

That meant, as much as he didn't want to, he would try to help.

"No," Pisces said firmly. "I've sinned, as they said. I need to correct my mistake."

"Steely resolve, time to back it up," Taurus noted before charging at one of them.  He dodged the flail and try to cut the horses legs, but it moved away before he could. Pisces didn't even have time to blink, before the dullahan with the whip ran at him on its horse.

"No you don't!" Mordecai yelled, as Pisces readied himself to dodge. Mordecai put out an arm and a fissure of black earth erupted from the ground, spewing hot magma into the air. 

The demon leapt over it, but Mordecai lost concentration on the other dullahan. Pisces took the liberty of screaming and swinging aimlessly at it. It had probably not even expected him to move, so Pisces was able to freely run beyond Mordecai and slice at the horses torso, causing a scar of blue to emerge. It screamed in pain and went on its hind legs.

Mordecai turned around, and caused black boulders surrounded by magma to appear from the ground and crush the rider.

He stayed on the horse and barely flinched.

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