Chapter 26: Aries

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"So, where are these other friends of yours?" Capricorn asked. They had begun walking normally up the stairs, as they were pretty sure there were no guards around, though there were occasional moments where they would couch or hide - "better safe than sorry," Azula had said.

The stairway that led to each floor was spiral and close to the wall, so anyone looking over the edge would see the middle of the ground floor and anyone on the walkways of some other lower levels. Each floor had no middle section so you could just look straight down at the ground from the very highest floor itself.

"I don't know," Azula curtly replied "They should be on the upper levels. If that's the case, then they may have already run into Lysandre." Aries wasn't sure, but he detected a bit of fear in her voice. He was surprised to believe she would be scared to anything - Azula radiated such a powerful aura that made it seem like she was an unmatched warrior. How could she be afraid of anything?

"Not possible," Scorpio said. Aries wanted to make the joke that she was basically a younger Azula, but he was also pretty terrified of her. He thought he'd hold back till maybe there were closer. "If they begun fighting Lysandre, then he would use his demon form, especially if there are no guards around."

"Well, let's try and find them first and figure out a plan. If Lysandre is really a demon, then he's going to be extremely difficult to take down," Leo said. He also seemed s little tense, as if the thought of facing Lysandre scared him too. Aries didn't know why, though.

"Why? What's so special about him?" Aries asked. He didn't think Lysandre would be too strong or too much trouble. Maybe Leo wasn't as strong as he made himself out to be?

"Don't you read anything? Lysandre is the cover of like a million magazines ranked as the best sword fighter in our entire country," Caprircorn rolled her eyes.

"He's what!?" Aries couldn't believe it! The strongest sword fighter? His confidence was also beginning to plummet.

"Yeah, and he's also got a demon form that probably doubles or even triples his strength on top of that," the girl known as Aquarius said. "He's gonna be a tough son of a bitch to take down."

"Yeah, well it's our job," Leo said, putting on a cocky smile, as they all came to large double doors on one of the upper floors. The doors were white in colour (like the majority of his home) and adorned with golden handles that were elegant in design. There was also two golden scythe carved into the top of the door, crossing each other to make an X.

"Lysandre Mortem," Capricorn whispered. "His family name means death, and they embraced it with a nice sigil of the weapon that Death himself carries around."

Aries was aware of sigils and how most powerful family names had some sort of sigil to show their wealth and power. It was the similar to how Demonhunter guilds had emblems, but their emblems were just so show where they trained from. Sigils were much more meaningful to the families.

His dad had beat that lesson to him a long time ago.

Aries and Capricorn Lucet Astrum. The 'Shining Stars.' Their sigil was of a six pointed star, surrounded by wavy lines as if the star was radiating energy.

"I can hear whispering," Azula said, pressing her ear to the door. Leo slowly nodded.

"We need a way to get into that room without their knowledge. Or at the very least draw them out and get in there," he suggested.

"What about go in, all weapons blazing?" Aries grinned.

Capricorn lightly slapped the back of his head. "Use your brain, idiot," she rolled her eyes. "He's talking to someone and judging the way they're speaking to each other,  that's gotta be an argument. One of them strong out and we capture him. Or, one of the voices go silent so we know they're most likely dead, so we go in and kill them. Or we cause a distraction and lure them both out," Cap suggested.

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