Chapter 31: Libra

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They had been traveling for a few days and Libra had to say, it wasn't all bad. Wayland had brought a few carts that were being towed by donkeys. They had carried weapons, but since he had dropped them off at Sleymon or sold them, they were now empty and so could be sat in if anyone needed a rest of some sort.

They were currently walking along a dirt road, with beautiful meadows filled with flowers either side of them, with large hills and forest a little further beyond them. Up ahead was more clear road, and it seemed like it would be pretty easy to get to Sleymon.

Apart from the Zodiacs and Wayland, there was also Roland, who was his son. He was a nice boy who was around the same age as Libra and was very polite, as well as sometimes awkward. At first sight, Libra didn't think he was a blacksmith. He looked more like one of those kids who was going to school to study to become a scholar.

There was also Mordecai, the man who was a demonhunter and had been with Pisces and Taurus. Libra thought he was extremely nice and he was a gentleman to her, but she could tell he was hiding a secret of some sort. Not like Wayland, where it caused him sadness, but she could tell he had one. She was good at spotting out things like that.

"Two days of living in comfort and back to walking on for what seems like forever," Aries sighed, as he started walking with her.

"Is that bitching I hear?" Wayland turned around and called to him from ahead.

"No, it's happiness. I love walking!" Aries replied sarcastically.

Wayland laughed and continued walking at an immense pace. Libra was actually astonished how much stamina he had - he was able to wear all that armour and carry that huge axe, but he was walking the furthest one ahead!

"I think I'm still dead from that Scorpio training," Pisces said, also dropping in line. "I don't think I've ever worked so hard in my life."

"When do you work hard? You're even lazier than I am," Taurus smiled, scratching his right arm. He was wearing a short sleeved shirt and Libra was stunned at what she saw - there was a huge bitemark around his elbow and some of his skin had been clearly ripped off. She had wondered when that had happened. Taurus noticed her staring at it.

"Werewolf demon," he simply said, shrugging. "No big deal." Libra thought it was a pretty big deal - she knew werewolves were strong demons that could kill most humans very, very easily. The fact that he had fought one and come out with just that was impressive, to say the least.

"Didn't you almost die from the werewolf poison?" Pisces asked, raising an eyebrow. "And wasn't I the one to save you?" Taurus looked slightly annoyed, as Pisces exposed him, but regained his composure.

"That's a normal day for me, so as I said, no big deal."

"You guys fought a werewolf? Cool, but check this. I fought a Cipactli," Leo said, smirking and dusting off his own shoulder.

"What the hell is that?" Aries asked. Libra also had no idea what it was, though it sounded pretty scary.

"Don't worry about it, wouldn't want to give anyone nightmares. Just think humanoid crocodile with a ton of mouths."

Libra tried to picture it and the result was pretty scary. Maybe Leo would tell them the story later down the line, about how he fought and beat one.

"I have heard of Cipactli's. And as much as I hate to say it, but that must have been a hard fought victory. Good job," Scorpio said. As Leo praised himself, and proudly showed off a five inch claw mark on his lower back, she rolled her eyes. "Boys," she mouthed.

"I'm pretty sure you've got a good demon slaying story, Scorpio," Sag excitedly said to her. "C'mon you gotta share!"

Scorpio shook her head. "I'd prefer not to, some beasts are disturbing to mention."

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