Chapter 20: Pisces

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"Is that it?" Pisces whispered. They were in the woods and had walked about half an hour to the north, where they came across the statue of an angel in a clearing.

It was surrounded by sarcophagus's that were made of stone and contained who- knows-what.

The three of them were hiding just beyond a hill overlooking the clearing and Pisces saw the monstrous silhouette of the demon. Mordecai had found some clues and tracks and it had led them right to it.

Pisces couldn't properly make it out in the darkness, but he could see it's wild, malevolent red eyes that lit up the darkness, along with shaggy black hair that seemed to absorb her darkness. It stood about ten feet tall and had a wiry and lithe physique, with a a wolfs head that had its fangs constantly bared.

"Yeah, just so you know, their bites are poisonous and slow a person and their reactions down. You get hurt it most likely doesn't kill you. Their hides are pretty durable so try and aim for their necks or limbs. Fires usually a good tool against these things. With that said, stick to the plan and let's go," Mordecai whispered.

He practically glided down the small hill and confronted the werewolf which stared at him in bemusement. After all, it was probably assuming why a human was willingly challenging it.

Mordecai also had bought a sword from a blacksmith for this particular occasion and he had drawn it.

The werewolf struck out first, by trying to leap onto him. Mordecai evaded to the left and tried to slice at its shoulder. The werewolf was surprisingly fast and moved out of the way before going back on the offensive.

"You wanna go in first? Or shall I?" Taurus asked.

"Erm... you," Pisces replied, as if it was a hard decision. Taurus was much more skilled with a sword and Pisces had practically just begun.

"Going in," Taurus stated, before beginning to circle around behind the werewolf and biding his time to strike.

Mordecai looked pretty at ease, as if fighting the werewolf was something he done countless times before. He was a demonhunter, so Pisces expected no less when he dealt a deadly blow to the demon's right thigh, causing it to hobble around.

Taurus then decided to charge at it from behind.

The werewolf seemed to laugh at him, as it easily blocked his strike, and punched him a few feet away.

Mordecai struck as it's back was turned by causing a fissure in the ground, forcing the werewolf to jump away.

That's when Pisces ran on to the battlefield.

The werewolf roared in pain as he struck it in the leg and blue blood erupted from its wounds. The sheer force of its roar was enough to throw Pisces a few feet back. Mordecai hurled two meteors that were the size of small boulders at the werewolf. They exploded on contact.

"You'll pay!" The werewolf roared, as it struggled to stand.

It reared its head back and let out a bloodcurling howl that causes Pisces to drop his sword and covered his ears. It was so loud and forceful, he had to step back a few paces - Pisces had also noticed Mordecai tried to approach the demon, yet was knocked aside as the howl made him fall to his knees.

What the hell is going on!? Pisces thought frantically, realising Mordecai would be out of commission for a few minutes due to the werewolves immense strength. He also had to look around for his blade. What kind of a demonhunter drops their fucking sword?

He suddenly flew to one side, and fell on the ground face first as his hands were still covering his ears. He spat out a bit of dirt and groaned in pain. His jacket was also pretty much ruined, but he remembered who he was facing and hastily faced towards the place he had been pushed from.

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