Chapter 24: Virgo

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"So, this place is kinda cool," Libra said to Virgo, as she lay on her bed. The two of them were sharing a room in the inn - they had drawn numbers out of a hat to see who paired up with who. Virgo had a sneaky feeling that something wasn't right with the draw.

"I guess so," Virgo replied, stood against the balcony door, looking over at the city skyline. Erebus was the capital city and even though he hadn't been before, he had known what to expect.

Erebus was placed in a valley, surrounded by lush grass fields, with numerous meadows within the city and on its outskirts. It was a very lively place, with a large amount of people out and about at any time, different activities to do and a variety of stores open. The buildings possessed bright facades and were lined up the stone street's sides, with beautiful patterns adorning them.

In the centre of the town, was the Royal Castle of the King and Queen - the castle was surrounded by a moat and had two bridges on either side of it to connect it to the city. On either side of the moat was lush grass, with a flowers of all types and along with the light colours of the castle, made it look majestic and is if it had come out of a fairytale. Near the castle though, was where Virgos eyes were focused on.

The home of Lysandre, a so called demon and a Royal Knight.

Virgo didn't fully know whether he was actually a demon, but he guessed he'd soon find out. He trusted Scorpio, but how could such a high ranking officer who worked closely with their king not have been found out if he were a demon?

And with Erebus itself - something seemed off about it. He couldn't put his finger on it but he had a bad feeling.

Virgo breathed out into the cold air, and noticed Libra rub her arms - she was probably feeling the cold chill of the night.

"Virgo, close the door or go outside. I'm cold," she said.

Virgo closed the door behind him as he stepped out into the balcony.

Even in the night, the city was alight with music, people having a good time, fireworks and the city streets lit up with dazzling colours.

Virgo preferred peace and quiet most of the time - Erebus wasn't really the city for him.

He sat down in a chair and grabbed a drink from the jug that had been kindly been given to them and filled to the brim.

Taking a sip of his glass, he drowned out the noise of the city and tried to relax in his own little world. He focused on the full moon and the twinkling stars of the night sky, and imagined what would become of him as a demonhunter. He had previously no idea what route he would take in life, and he wasn't a hero by any means even if demon numbers were rising, so one thought kept running through his mind:

If someone's got to do it, why not me?

"Virgo?" He heard a voice ask. He turned to see Libra coming out onto the balcony, wearing a winter coat she had recently purchased. Cancer had scoffed when she bought it - "Seriously, it's not even that cold. We're in spring!" She had said when Libra made her purchase.

The coat was ice white in colour, with numerous pockets to store items in and gloves to match. "What are you doing out here?" Libra asked tentatively.

Virgo shrugged. "Just thinking, I guess. Wondering about being a demonhunter and what else I could do with my life."

Libra looked a little saddened, but he had no clue why. This girl was proving impossible to read! She sat down next to him and poured herself a drink.

"What else are you thinking of doing?"

Virgo shrugged again. "Nothing. I can't imagine myself anywhere but here. But I don't know why. Being a demonhunter has never been a dream of mine or anything, but now that I'm doing it... it's like it's meant to be..." he finished awkwardly. Libra perked up slightly, but Virgo attributed that to him seeming a little stupid more than anything else.

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