Chapter 34: Sagittarius

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The entire house had been decimated. 

It was noon the next day and they had spent the entirety of the morning looking for the house of the demon that was meant to help them.

It was Pisces who had found it - he had practically screamed half of Celestia down as he had called the others and told them what he saw.

Sag hadn't believed it - maybe Leo or Aries or Gemini had put him up to a prank or a crude joke, she had reckoned - she had no idea he was being serious!

But now, as she stood a few yards away from the blackened and derelict home, that had most of its windows missing, with wooden beams all over the floor and it's doors splintered into a hundred pieces, she felt like this was all just a waste of time. Her only chance of getting her memory back and the demon was nowhere to be seen and his house was in tatters, with no clues as to how to find him. It was like a hurricane had completely messed it up, but only had affected this one house, and not anything else.

"Well, now what?" Aries asked, cutting a frustrated figure.

"What do you think? Back to square one, we go to Ryze and just train to be demonhunters. Our memories can wait," Taurus replied. Sag felt that he was right - after all, it was the only logical and sensible thing to do. It still didn't work her for suggesting her idea.

"Can we not try to find it? The demon might be close by or something," she tried to be optimistic, but the others didn't react well to it.

"Where's it going to be? Sat in its definitely destroyed living room, on the couch, as if nothing has happened?" Cancer sarcastically asked.

"No but - " Sag sighed. It was useless trying to taking them now. They all cut some sort of dejected figure.

"Maybe we can try to find out what happened here," Mordecai suggested. "Demonhunters usually need to track demons before a fight - if demons did this we can find them. If not, then we can try and get answers out of the people responsible."

"And if we're lucky, we might get a clue or two about our supposed friend too," Leo nodded, clearly agreeing with the idea. Sag was happy that at least they hadn't given up hope too. It would have been a real downer on the way back.

"Where should we start?" Aquarius asked. "I'd say the house, but it looks like nothing survived... whatever it was that happened here."

"Try to find any sort of book or parchment that is still intact. Look for his potraits, any tracks in the floor, anything that looks out of the ordinary," Leo tried to be helpful.

"This whole fucking place is out of the ordinary," Aries shook his head but then exhaled deeply. "Lets go find ourselves a demon," he said.

"Something about this feels wrong, I can't put my finger on it though," Gemini hesitantly spoke. Sag rolled her eyes - he always had some sort of fear or insecurity he needed to talk about.

"I'm glad you're always so optimistic and willing to engage, Gemini," Leo smirked. Gemini rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I wish we were all more like you," Sag teased. Gemini took a deep breath, as if he was accepting his fate and spoke.

"Course you do, you bunch of peasants. Now, get out of the way and let me help." Leo raised his hands as Gemini walked past him.

Sag tried her best at looking for something that Leo had described, but either she was blind or nothing was there. After a solid few minutes, she gave up and sat on a nearby slab of rock that was large enough for at least five or six people to sit on and around nine feet tall. To get on to it was a smaller rock that was attached to it and could be used as a stepping stone to the bigger one.

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