Zodiac Powers & Abilities

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I decided to include this otherwise people may get confused with whos powers is whos and what they actually do. I hope I explain them well and to your understanding - though if you do have any questions about their powers and abilities, ask away!

Aries possesses the power of an energy avatar - it's a red energy humanoid figure but with a ram's head that aids him in battle. Aries is only currently able to use the upper body of the energy avatar - it increases his strength, as the avatar punches instead of him, allows him increased range in his attacks through a sword made of fire, increased defence as attackers must penetrate the avatar first. The energy avatar will eventually develop legs and so Aries will be at the centre of it, as the body is formed around him. However, it has limited mobility so he will be able to take more hits, but he will also take them more often. His energy avatar is also weak to people who are speed based, as the avatar is the same or even slower than Aries and so speed based enemies will be able to land numerous attacks while Aries may not be able to retaliate. As it surrounds him, as he walks around, it also follows, and it materialises and vanishes almost instantly.

Taurus has the ability of black earth manipulation. Black earth manipulation entails: standard earth manipulation, meteor summoning from the sky down to the ground, earthquake generation, fissure creation, magma boulders that he is able to create and use offensively or as shield and able to use them as explosives filled with magma, basic sandstorm generation and basic volcano generation. He can also use black earth to surround an individual and crush them, before then exploding the earth and causing even more damage to the enemy. Black earth is a stronger version of normal earth manipulation which focuses more on its negative aspects, as it allows his earth attacks to be much more destructive and devasting, though it takes away the positive energy from the earth such as healing. In addition he loses the fine control and normal versatility over the earth, to gain the sheer power of the earth.

Gemini possesses the power of illusions and to an extent, the mind. What this allows him to do, is able to alter a person's perception of things by creating false images or make their mind believe different things to what is actually happening. He can also create clones of himself that are immaterial, but perfectly resemble him and he is able to switch places with these clones as long as they aren't too far away. He can read a person's mind as long as he is looking into their eyes, though this does take a bit of time and he can cause himself to appear differently by casting and image of someone else. If someone does get too close, such as an inch to his face they will bypass his image and see the real him. Gemini has amazing elusive abilities and amazing information gathering abilities, though in a fight he can really only depend on his sword, though his imagination can become a dependable weapon.

Cancer possesses the power aura manipulation. She is able to use this power in various different ways - enhanced senses as she can sense auras, increase her own natural abilities through aura, project her aura and use her moods to influence her aura. She can use aura attacks, by increasing her own physical capabilities to make her stronger and faster by channelling aura into her limbs. In addition, she can use aura and solidify it to become weaponry or spiritual armour to protect her from harm. She can also emphasise with others and understand how they're feeling by reading their aura and she can gain information from them in this way. She can use aura to heal herself or another, or cleanse the body of any impurities or sickness. Her aura allows her to sense immediate danger - an attack that she isn't aware about for example. Her aura also allows her resistance to illusions as she can be aware of the false realities and break from them. She must be in control of her emotions to use her aura, otherwise her abilities will be all over the place and will also be weakened. Also, the power of some of her abilities require certain emotions to be fully effective, but will weaken other abilities as a result - anger will make her attacks and combat perception stronger, but she won't be able to emphasise as well, or resist illusions as well. If she is angry, her healing aura won't be as strong.

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