Chapter 22: Virgo

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Above is Evelyn!
"She's hiding in a cave? How can you be so sure?" Aqua asked. 

"It's called dowsing," Nyx replied, as the magic circle she had drawn on the floor lost its purple light. She had been sat in the middle of it and had meditated for a several moments. "It allows me to sense nearby demons through the magical circle I've drawn on the floor."

"When do we get to learn that?" Scorpio asked. "It's incredibly useful."

"Dowsing is unique to me," Nyx explained. "Your powers are clearly very different. The power of the ocean and the power of the sky," she nodded at Scorpio and Aqua in turn. "Very powerful."

"What's my power... exactly?" Virgo asked. All he kind of knew was that his arm could light up purple and that enabled him to attack from range and cause damage to something.

"It's hard to explain, but it seems to be a form of space manipulation, which is extremely powerful in its own right," Nyx said. "You'll need to watch out how much you use it. That type of magic will drain you quickly."

"Yeah, I still have little idea what it does though," Virgo sheepishly smiled. It sounded really cool though.

"Stick to what you did before. You were exceptional in that fight," Nyx commended. "A manticore and a sphinx are very formidable creatures in their own, never mind when together. You should all be proud of yourselves about how you fought."

Even Scorpio had a proud grin when she said that.

Aquarius was also struggling to hide a huge smile. She was literally beaming which Virgo didn't think happened often.

Virgo, Aquarius Scorpio and Nyx were the only ones who followed Evelyn. Azula remained behind with the others just in case more demons attacked them. Virgo was worried about her, since she was the only one there, though Nyx did reassure him of her prowess - "she's somewhat of a legend, you know. The only demonhunter to face twenty demons on her own and then still win. And not just any demons, like some of them were really strong," she had said.

Virgo was in complete awe of her - so were Aqua and Scorpio when they heard that story.

The four of them walked westward, where the landscape and terrain became more mountainous, with a lot of hills and caves. The trees also began to grow thinner, and Virgo would rather fight out in the open where they had the number advantage and not in dense forest where they could be picked off one by one.

Still, it was getting dark out and he didn't fancy fighting in the shadows. The other three didn't seem fazed by it so he guessed he'd have to just suck it up.

"How far away is she?" Scorpio asked, as they continued to follow Nyx. Nyx's hands were formed into one hand seal and she shrugged her shoulders in response.

"Evelyn's powerful. I won't know till we get closer. Right now, there's signals coming from everywhere," she said.

"Could she have escaped?" Virgo asked. "Maybe she's decided she doesn't want to fight today and has slinked back to wherever she came from?"

"No, I can feel her presence, I just don't know exactly where it's coming from," Nyx replied. She concentrated harder and closed her eyes. Her hands, still in their seal, started to glow an eerie green and Nyx opened her eyes. "Follow me," she said quietly, hurriedly taking off.

The others followed suit, and pretty soon they had gotten to a large cave entrance that was on the side of a hill. Since it was pretty dark they would have missed it if it hadn't been for Nyx's dowsing.

"She in there?" Scorpio asked, clutching the hilt of her sword. She seemed especially tense and focused and Virgo reasoned she had some sort of score to settle.

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