Chapter 1: Leo

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12 years later....

Leo saw the black smoke ahead, emerging from the treetops and slowly getting bigger and bigger. That wasn't a good sign.

He was heading towards his friends Lance home, who lived in a house on a hill, edge of a town called Giza. Leo hadn't seen Lance in some time and he didn't know whether he would after this ominous warning.

The hill Leo was on, was surrounded by forest and even had numerous trees on the hill itself, apart from a small clearing where Lance's house was located.

Damn, you'd better be okay, Lance, he thought, sprinting toward his fellow demonhunters home.

Leo felt the cool breeze on his face, as he headed in the winds direction, his unprotected face starting to feel the cold. The trees began to get thinner and thinner the closer he got, with black scorch marks starting to appear on the ground, and other trees had been cut off to a stump. He guessed more than one demon had attacked. He quickened his pace and continued running for a a few minutes, before coming to a stop when he saw a burning house in the distance.

"Fuck!" He cursed, looking at his friends home on fire. The normally beautiful garden with an entire assortment of flowers was in ruins, the front door and it's hinges had been blown off and there were black scorch marks scattered everywhere. It looked like an army had gone through there.

He focused his senses and breathed in deeply. Leo had a passive ability that allowed him to 'sense' death, if a person had died recently and when a person was close to it - he usually smelled something similar to pomegranate, though this was much stronger and wild. If Lance had died recently, he should have at least seen smelt a whiff of pomegranate.

Unless he hadn't died...

Hope filled his heart and with renewed optimism, he called his name out. He didn't really know if his was friend alive or not, but he had to be hopeful. "I'm coming in, so if you're alive, then stay alive!"

He ran across the garden, seeing the door had literally been ripped off it's hinges and thrown in the garden, and stopped inside the house. There was no flames or black smoke downstairs yet, so Leo knew he had to be quick.

"Lance!" He called again, to no response. Looking around, the inside was even worse - it looked like a hurricane had been through the inside. Furniture had been broken and tossed aside, his bookshelves burned to a cinder, there was brick everywhere and some of the ceiling beams had fallen on the ground.

Leo looked in the various room downstairs, but found nothing. Not even a body. The flames had gotten downstairs and the black smoke had started to make Leo cough.

He quickly left the house and sat in the ruined garden - the flowerbed had been scattered everywhere, numerous objects from inside the house had been thrown out here and it looked as if an army had trampled over everything.

Leo was sad about Lance, and twirled a sunflower in his hand - Lance had begun planting these after he and Leo had become friends. It had surprisingly kept safe in all the carnage.

He faced the house and thought of numerous memories they both had - growing up in Castle Gryphem, training to be demonhunters, doing their first mission together and even when Lance had left and gone his own way, when Leo has completed his training, he came here and celebrated with him. He was the youngest demonhunter they had ever had and he remembered how he got there - demons has killed his parents and the demonhunters saw him use magic and so took him in. Demons always hated Leo extra compared to others, especially the stronger ones.

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