Chapter 41: Cancer

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As Cancer entered the demon realm, she nearly fainted from the shock.

It hurt to breathe, as if every intake of breath came with a fresh blast of flames racing down her throat. The air that touched her bare skin made it feel like shards of glass were piercing her skin repeatedly and even through her shoes, it was like she was walking on glass, it hurt to keep her eyes open and she wanted to close them and never open them again...

"Everyone okay?" Leo asked, rubbing his eyes. No doubt he felt the same 'sensation' as she did. Cancer didn't know what to make of Leo - he seemed a typical joker, who would get barely passable grades in school, be seen as the class clown and usually be around girls, trying to flirt with them all at the same time. But, he was so much more than that - he was caring, strong and definitely brave, running headfirst into battle, but with sometimes a cunning plan or strategy that Cancer would never have believed he came up with had he not thought of it right in front of her. He was a leader, but he didn't demand it or anything, most of them just looked towards him when fighting demons or the like - like the responsibility had been thrust upon him.

"Just fine," Aries replied sarcastically. "I'm coughing, because I love the fresh air here..." Aries was much simpler - a hothead who did what he liked, where he liked and when he liked. He had little regard for anyone standing in his way and even though he was usually friendly, went from happy to angry really quickly. He was just a typical 'badboy.'

"Guys, I think I'm going to die!" Gemini overreacted, as per usual. Cancer had gotten used to him, and even though he annoyed her too, she did look concerned for a second as Aquarius examined him.

"You're perfectly fine! The concotion must still be trying to take effect. Just chill out for a minute," she sighed.

"I am, but what if the potion thingy doesn't work?" Gemini fearfully asked.

"We've got more, so please do us all a favour and shut up," Virgo.

"Okay, fine," Gemini relented, beginning to walk with them, as they all followed Evelyn.

Cancer hadn't known what to expect from the demon realm, but looking around, it possessed much less demons she initially thought.

They stood on barren, dried out, rocky land, with blood red sand spotted far out into the distance on their right. There were large, black mountains at basically each horizon that were struck by blue lightning every so often, with the sun being crimson in colour, putting a hint of red on everything and everyone. It was also pretty hot, but not as hot as hell should've been - enough for her to sweat and complain, but not much more than that. Within the cracks and fissures of the land, molten lava could also be seen, so Cancer watched where she stepped in fear of falling though the ground and into her death...

"Home sweet home, eh?" Aries remarked to Evelyn, who chuckled. She, in contrast to them, looked stronger than ever.

"Maybe I'll kill of all of you but the white haired boy in your weakened state and feast on your bodies," she winked.

"Erm... thank you," Pisces awkwardly replied, as everyone went on edge and reached for their weapons. Evelyn cackled and proclaimed it as a joke, but they all still had a hand on their weapons - who knew with her?

Cancer soon realised that the potion was taking hold, as the air no longer felt poisonous, her throat wasn't burning up as badly as before and she seemed to be walking on normal ground again. Her chest was still extremely hot, and her mouth was very dry, but apart from that she was relatively fine.

"Thank fuck for that," Sag said. "I thought my lungs were going to be burst!"

"I can really feel the heat, but I'm feeling much better now," Virgo agreed.

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