Chapter 40: Capricorn

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The next two weeks were pretty hectic. Capricorn had barely any alone time - she was either training, eating, sleeping or researching various demons and the demon realm.

"Why do you keep trying to read up on demons? There's a simple method of dealing with them - stick them with the pointy end," Aries smirked, as he sat in the chair next to her on one sunny morning, that reminded Capricorn of being back home with its little breeze, no clouds, yet perfect temperature.

She was currently in the library, and was surrounded by various books that she was trying to read and bookshelves that were twenty feet tall, containing secrets, stories and tales of times past. She loved being in the library - not least since she was barely disturbed in there. 

"Because some demons are immaterial," Capricorn replied, "And others have much bigger weaknesses than just sticking them with the 'pointy end,'" she scoffed.

"It works for me," Aries shrugged, inspecting his sword. He had picked it up at Lysandre and Capricorn noticed how much he liked it - it possessed a single, sharp edge and was the perfect choice for slicing and dicing while also offering a way to effectively block attacks.

The blade itself had a thin, slightly curved cross-guard, just large enough to protect his fingers and the cross-guard also had a jeweled hawk beak on each side. There was also a fairly large pommel that was marked with a head of a hawk.

"Didn't you get a sword off Malus or something?" Aries asked.

Capricorn looked at her right palm and saw the indigo pentagram drawn on her hand - it looked like a tattoo and Aries whistled as he looked it.

"Dad would so kill you if he saw that," he smirked. "Well, fake dad."

"Fake dad would kill you for being you," Capricorn rolled her eyes in reply. Capricorn felt that she was less liked of the two of them, so she always strived for perfection in his eyes. Now that it was revealed he had never been her true father in the first place, it all felt like a waste of time. She still didn't fully remember her birth parents, apart from what she could only imagine as her mother - a young, beautiful woman with long blonde hair and bright, brown eyes who was always smiling.

"So, how's that tattoo meant to turn into a sword?" He asked. "And when are we supposed to go to Zhance? Gemini keeps telling me to go in two years, for some reason." Capricorn chuckled as she thought of Gemini trying to avoid going to Zhance - he usually made his feelings of fear clear before they did something dangerous.

"We're gonna be heading off at sunset. Leo wanted to go at dawn tomorrow, but Ryze sent a bird saying he probably would meet us on the path if we headed tonight," Capricorn explained. "As for this on my hand... well, I'll save it for when I need to. I don't fully trust Malus and who knows what would happen if I summon the sword."

"Something awesome would happen," Aries guessed.

"Course you would assume that. Make sure you've packed. No one wants to hear you bitching all the way to Zhance."

"You're funny, you know that?" Aries sarcastically remarked, throwing a small piece of wood at her. Capricorn caught it easily enough, and was going to throw it back, when Virgo burst into the library. Capricorn noticed his face was crimson red, and he was looking extremely nervous. 

Virgo sometimes stayed in the library with her - they would read the most fascinating tales of past demonhunters or stories that would chill their bodies to the bone. She found his company comforting, even though he always blushed when given a compliment.

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