Chapter 47: Scorpio

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Scorpio woke up in the middle of the night with a  cold sweat on her forehead. Her body was tense and she was looking into the shadows, as if expecting a demon to leap out of them. Something was definitely wrong, but she had no idea what.

She sat up in her bed, and wiped her brow. She was uneasy and it was driving her crazy not knowing why.

She looked at Aquarius sleeping in the bed next to her. It was completely dark in the room, apart from a slit in the curtains which allowed a bit of moonlight through.

Aquarius was sound asleep, her chest slowly rising and falling as she breathed. She used to have nightmares of demons chasing her - a traumatic experience coming from her youth, but since she had met the Zodiacs, she was much more at peace when she slept.

Scorpio stated at her for a few seconds - Aquarius was like a little sister to her know and somehow, had even found love. Her heart swelled up and she  softly smiled, as she gazed on.

A door creak snapped away her attention. Scorpio barely heard it, but she knew that it had occured. She listened intently and heard a door close - it was coming from directly below them, the front door of the inn.

Who could it have been? An assassin? A demon? A demon assassin?

Her breath quickened, but she slowed it down. Come now, no need to turn into Gemini. Think about it logically, it could be anyone, not just the Zodiacs. Maybe they're drunk and making their won way back to the room?

She knew that wasn't the case - most drunks were loud and obnoxious, not caring about the noise they were making. This person was trying their hardest to be quiet. She guessed it was a man, or at the very least a large woman, since she heard pretty loud footsteps as they walked up the stairs.

She decided to investigate, grabbing her sword sheath, and attaching it to her hilt. Better safe than sorry.

She heard the person just outside her room and her heart seemed to freeze as she heard a small, wheezing cough and a deep breath.

Were they injured?

Her heart pounding now, her body trembling, Scorpio took light steps towards the door, and put an ear towards it. She heard him walking away.

The rooms along the hall were all occupied by the Zodiacs!

He has to be some sort of demon! Her fear was replaced with fury and she only had one thought on her mind.

She quickly opened her door and charged towards him, sword drawn, his back turned towards her.

"Huh?" He asked, turning.

Her blade stopped a few inches from his throat. "Taurus!?" Scorpio hissed. What was this idiot doing at this time of night?

Taurus scoffed and lowered her blade. "What?" He asked, his eyes flicking around lazily, hands in his pocket and his posture slouching.

"Where the were you?" Scorpio demanded, sheathing her sword, face full of fury.

"Hmph, none of your business." Taurus turned to walk again, but Scorpio was having none of it. He wasn't moving his jaw properly - had he dislocated it? He did look in pain as he spoke.

She swiped his legs, with a low hook-kick to the legs and he fell onto the floor in a heap. He bared his teeth, but got up slowly, clutching his right shoulder. There was a lamp hung on the wall and she made the injury out in the low light - he had a puncture there!

"You're telling me, or I'm going to kill you," she threatened.

"I told you, it's none of your business. It's nothing serious. Why do you girls have to make a big deal out of everything?"

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