Chapter 7: Libra

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"So, that's not good," Libra said, as the demon charged at them. They all began to run for the main street.

"Please tell me that sword isn't for show," Crystal shrieked, as Virgo stood still and turned to face the demon. Libra thought he wasn't a warrior as he drew his blade. More of an academically inclined person.

"You run, I'll catch up," Virgo said. "We can't let it get out to the public, it might have a human form. Best to kill it here and now," he grunted, as the demon clashed with him.

The girls stopped running. "We can't leave him!" Libra reasoned. She didn't want to leave Virgo behind, he was saving their lives!

"We can't do anything," Cancer replied. "We have to hope he's got it..."

"I got a better idea, eat this you stupid demon!" Sagittarius picked up a large stone and threw it at the demon. Virgo rolled under its arm as the stone hit it's face.

It turned to the four of them, its yellow eyes narrowing. It was close to midday, so Libra took a good luck at the demon.

It was twice, maybe even three time the size of her, with brown hair covering it's body absolutely everywhere. She couldn't see a speck of skin. The demon was humanoid, but it possessed two little horns above it's ears, it had fangs as teeth, and it had gruesome spikes protruding from its back.

"That's not good..." Libra said, backing away from it slowly, as it's eyes focused on her. Please don't eat me, please don't eat me...

"You just had to piss him off, didn't you?" Cancer sighed, picking up another stone and throwing it at the demon. It's eyes turned to Cancer. "You fucking owe me for this," Cancer said, as the demon laughed.

"You're all going to be mine!" He spoke in a gravelly tone. He then screamed in pain, as Virgo thrust his sword in its side, under its rib.

"How the fuck did you miss it's heart!?" Cancer asked.

"It's humanoid, so that'll hurt like a bitch. And I have no idea if demons have hearts," Virgo explained, as he tried to dodge the flailing arms of the enraged demon. One of the arms caught him in the chest; he dropped his sword flew a few feet back and landed with a thud.

"Virgo!" Libra yelled. She had to help him! As the demon walked over to his body, it raised its huge, sledgehammer like fist and prepared to strike him.

As the other girls peppered him with stones, Libra picked up Virgo's sword and screamed at the demon. "Eat this!" She yelled, plunging the sword into it's back.

The sword stayed in it's back, but it didn't scream out on pain. It turned around to face her and slowly took out the sword in its back. Libra stepped back, terrified. That was supposed to kill it, she thought, falling back, as the demon bent the bloody sword in half and broke it.

"You will be my first," the demon moved towards her. It ignored the stone one of the girls threw in its eye and went to punch Libra. If it had hit her in the face she'd be dead...

She closed her eyes and expected the worst. No pain came. Did she get killed painlessly? She heard a loud thud, as something hit the floor.

Libra opened her eyes slowly and saw the demon dead on the floor, a blue trident in the centre of its back. Standing behind it, was a woman in terrifying black armour, with scarlet hair and crimson eyes.

"What the...?" She wasn't able to finish the question from sheer confusion. The woman pulled out the trident and sheathed it.

"You're safe now, child," she spoke in a powerful, posh voice, as she helped Libra stand.

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