Chapter 11: Gemini

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Above is Nyx!

It was a dark and cool night, with barely a cloud in the sky, the moon clearly seen, it's moonlight shining down on Gemini's face. The wind whistled and swayed the trees side to side, making eerie sounds, causing Gemini to be a little more nervous.

He was stood near said trees, a few feet from his tent, trying to have a piss. He hoped Nyx, Aquarius and Scorpio didn't step outside their tents. Even Nyx's horse, Midnight, was lazily sleeping just outside her tent. She hadn't liked Gemini much, which had come to no surpirse to Scorpio and drew laughter from Aquarius.

Needless to say, Midnight got along just great with those two.

Gemini sighed as he finished. He was pretty sure there was a stream nearby, but he wasn't going to wander alone in the dark or risk the ire of the girls by waking them up. He would just have to wash his hands in the morning.

He trudged way back to his tent in the darkness using the moonlight as a guide - his tent was rather small compared to the others, and the colour of navy, making it pretty hard to make out in the darkness.

He lay in his makeshift bed, already tired of life on the road. He warranted that they would arrive in Qilin by midday at the latest if they woke up at their usual time of dawn. He still hadn't gotten used to waking up that early, so Aquarius always threw cold water on him.

She was a heartless bitch as Gemini often told her. Aquarius always laughed in response, much to dismay.

He went to sleep, thinking about ways that could annoy her as much as she annoyed him...

Gemini woke up surprisingly early. He heard bird songs and saw the sun coming up as he stepped out of his tent. It was practically dawn, but none of the others were awake.

Gemini grinned. Time for some payback!

He very slowly made his way to a navy tent, that also had wavy white lines as decoration. This was Aquarius's. Her tent was slightly open and he peered through with one eye.

No movement, apart from her chest moving up and down as she breathed. Aquarius slept on her back like the wierdo she was.

Next to her was a small bucket. That was his aim.

He very slowly headed into her tent, occasionally stopping if she took a sharp breath or if he thought he heard someone. His heart was pumping fiercely, but he made sure to keep his breathing as quiet and as slow as possible. If Aquarius woke up, she would probably torture him. She would most definitely kill him, but the torture was if she was in a bad mood...

He really hoped she didn't wake up.

At last he was fully inside her tent, so much so that he could see her long, beautiful, light purple hair. Even as she slept it looked glorious. He tiptoed next to her right shoulder, where the bucket was placed in the corner. He tent was square shaped and she just had to sleep in the middle of it, surrounded by the miscellaneous items.

He slowly heard her breathing and looked down at her. Even in the darkness of her tent, he could still slightly see her because of the light peering through onto her face. She looked relaxed and calm, two of the things which she definitely was not when awake.

He slowly picked up the bucket and headed out of the tent, just as slowly, thanking his lucky stars she hadn't woken up.

With the bucket in hand, he decided to find the stream that he was pretty sure wasn't too far from where they were. He hoped he didn't get too lost. The girls may wait for him to get back before setting off!

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