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Sagittarius, age 7
Sagittarius was alone in her room, trying to look out of the tiny window and at the night stars.

She got to be outside for an hour a day, but she missed her freedom. Being trapped in the prison was driving her crazy. She gazed out longingly at the mountain tops or the lake that she could make out on a clear day, hoping she was free and enjoying life.

As of right now, it sucked. She wasn't meant to be awake - she only got to have a free hours of sleep every day, but she always stayed awake till it was really dark to see the beautiful night stars.

She knew she couldn't stay up too late, so she reluctantly, pulled the bed cover over her head and tried to sleep on her uncomfortable mattress and pillow. She had gotten kinda used to it, so she was asleep within minutes.

She awoke with a start. Someone was opening her cell.

She turned to face three guards walking in, all sinister grin on their faces.

"What's going on?" She asked, sitting up. The labcoat man never woke them up in the middle of the night - he just tortured them during the day.

"We're gonna have some fun," the middle guard smiled malevolently. The one on the right rubbed his hands, while the third looked unsure and nervous himself.

What the hell's going on here? Sagittarius thought. Fun? She was pretty sure these guys didn't know the definition of that word - maybe evil and torture yeah, but definitely not fun.

"Stand outside, Wilkins," the middle one said. The nervous looking one nodded and walked out the door, closing it behind him.

"What... what the hell are you doing?" Sagittarius asked, leaping to her feet and trying to move away from the two guards.

They licked their lips as they each stepped forward.

Are they going to kill me? Sagittarius thought worriedly. She cleared her thoughts and clenched her fists. She couldn't just meekly die! Well, one of them is coming down with me!

She tried to prepare herself for a fight. The left of the two guards tried to grab her, but she jumped out the way.

The right guard tried to jump onto her, but she rolled through his legs and kicked him right in the junk. He cried in pain.

Sagittarius smiled to herself. These guys weren't so tough after all.

A blow to the head sent her reeling and she sprawled out on the floor. She saw the first guard clutching a baton and licking his lips.

"I love the fiesty ones..." He began to undue his pants.

Sagittarius slowly got to her knees and tried to run past, but the other guard had recovered and pinned her down.

"Please, stop! Don't!" She struggled. They both laughed at her and she closed her eyes as they began to strip.

Two bangs filled the room.

What the hell? Sagittarius thought, opening her eyes. She looked at bit h guards and saw they were lying in a pool of blood. Who the hell..?

Her question was answered as the man in the labcoat stood at the door, a gun in hand.

"I tried to warn them," he sighed, as Sag lay in the floor, nervously watching him. Would he shoot her? "Escort the girl to Cell 14, and get these three out of here," he said emotionlessly.

Two more guards walked in, one picking her up gently, the other picking the dead bodies up.

Sagittarius felt safe in the guards arms. She didn't know, but she had a feeling he would keep her safe.

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