Chapter 2 Royal pain

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Kendra's P.O.V.

"JADY! CLEAN UP!" i screamed for the hundredth time! "No!" she yelled "UUHHH!" I yelled pulling my hair.

"Jady! if you don't do what mom says you won't see daddy!" Emma yelled and Jady ran down stairs.

In the last year Jady has gitten into the habit of not listening to anything that doesn't have to do with Harry! So she basically hates me!

"Luke! Put on some pants!" Emma instructed and he nodded and walked down the hall.

"Owen can you feed Teddy please?!" she asked and Owen ran outside.

I stood in aw of her.

"How did you..." i trailed off and Emma laughed

"I'll change The babies clothes" she smiled, picked up Ronny and Henry (both one year old) and started for the hall

She stopped and turned around before she turned the corner.

"Mom...just loosen up...everything will be ok" Em reassured and i forced a smile

As soon as she walked down the hall i wiped my smiled off my face and sighed heavily.

This is gonna be a disaster!...just like every other time the boys come out!

Over the past year every time they come back to Saskatoon theres always a huge argument and everyone is miserable! The kids don't listen to anyone and everything is just awkward!


*knock knock*

"THEIR HERE!" i yelled and all the kids ran into the living room.

"Mom! don't freak!" Emma instructed before i opened the door and i rolled my eyes at her.

I put on my most convincing smile and opened the door.

"Hi!" i sighed with relief when i saw it was Michelle, Tiana and Lilly "hey!" Chell smiled

"The boys aren't here yet?!" Tiana asked "no...thank god" i said under my breath.

T sighed uncomfortably

" you need to talk?!" i asked worried. she nodded a bit and T, Chell and I sat down on the couch.

"Kids! go down stairs!" i instructed and Owen and Luke ran down stairs.

Of course Jady folded her arms and sat down on the floor, cross legged!

"Jady!" i yelled and she just stuck her nose up. "Jay!" i yelled again

"NO!" She screamed from the top of her lungs.

"JAY!" Emma yelled running up stairs.

All Em had to do was point down stairs and Jady jumped up and ran down stairs.

I sighed and Em smiled at me and went back down stairs.

"Sorry" i sighed again and Chell smiled at me.

"I'm guessing Harry leaving for so long is having an effect on her" Tiana said looking towards the basement steps " could say that" i sighed again.

"Well Lilly is just sad" Michelle said sadly "same with Owen" i explained

"I don't know what i'm gonna do" i said leaning back on the couch. "i have seven mouths to feed and bill to pay and i'm not making any money!" i exclaimed

That's all that was running through my head lately! Bill, recipes, credit, and a whole lot of debt!

"What happened to the day when we signed a picture and got paid?!" I asked putting my hands on my head. "Chasing Forever stopped" Chell said leaning back.

We both looked in Tiana's direction

"I'm back to working at PetSmart and living in a shitty life sucks" Tiana joined us with her hands on her head.

"What happened to us?! we used to be wealthy, successful, happy women and now...we're miserable!" I said sitting up and placing my elbows on my knees. "Here let me sum it up for you" Chell said sitting up and curling her legs under her body.

"Jenna ran away, Chasing Forever stopped leaving us jobless and the boys moved back to London leaving me with a depressed child and you with six children and all of us with no jobs!" she explained almost yelling by the time she finished

"I have to summed that up quite nicely!" I said matter-of-factly and Tiana and Chell laughed.

Soon the whole room was filled with laugher but we were cut off by a knock at the door.

All our heads jerked in the direction of the noise.

T and i sighed (knowing who it would be) and i got up and opened the door.

"H-" before i could finish Michelle screamed "NIALL!" and ran passed me and into his arms.

I smiled at the sight of everyone being happy.

especially Niall! last time i talked to him he seemed really sad but the smile on his face clearly stated that he was not upset to be back in Saskatchewan!

My thoughts of happiness were soon cut off by reality kicking me in the usual!

"Hi!" Amber smiled "hi' i smiled awkwardly.

"I didn't think you coming" i told Amber "well i wasn't doing anything anyway so i thought i'd better support my fiancé's family" she smiled and kissed Harry's cheek and he smiled brightly showing off his adorable little dimples!

Kendra! what are you thinking! he's getting married!

It's kinda weird saying that the Harry Styles is getting married! i mean he's the father of two of my kids! i just thought he'd fight for me until i finally gave in but...i guess he changed his mind. it's funny how i hate him when he's not with anyone but the second he can't be mine...i want him so badly!

"Hi" Liam said awkwardly as i let everyone inside. "hi" i forced a smile

Our conversation was cut of by an ear splitting shriek from down stairs and Jady stormed up the steps.

"Mommy, Luke won't-" she froze and the shrieked again, this time in joy.

"DADDY!" she screamed running into Harry's arms.

"hey! how my princesses?!" He asked picking her up. "Good!" she smiled

"Pff! a royal pain!" i said under my breath but Jady heard me and her head jerked my direction and she glared at me.

"Wow! do i sense a bit of tension in the room?!" Louis said walking into the house.

"Daddy!" i heard Owen scream and he ran to Louis "hey bud!" he smiled and hugged his son

"Where's your baby sister?!" he asked and just then Emma walked upstairs with Ronny and Henry in her arms.

"Ronny!" Louis yelled and ran over to Em and grabbed the baby out of her arms.

"Wow! i need to stop calling you my baby girl! your getting so big!" He smiled holding his daughter tightly with a bright smile on.

So far everyone is happy...good?!

Chasing Stars: part of the Chasing Forever series: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now