Chapter 45 Don't

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Niall's P.O.V.

i walked into the kitchen, grabbed a slice if pizza and then joined everyone in the living room with a big smile on.

"Why are you so happy?!" Louis asked

Since the girls left he had been really depressed and moping around the house.

I wasn't gonna try and add suspense to it!

"I have a new daughter!" i smiled sitting down on the love seat next to Zayn.

Sophia shrieked and ran and jumped on my lap causing my pizza to go flying in the air and land on the floor.

"Congratulations!" She squealed pulling away from the hug. i don't think she really cared about our carpet or my pizza!

"Soph!" Liam yelled pointing towards the upside-down pizza "yah! go get me another piece of pizza!" i yelled pointing to the door almost hitting Zayn in the face.

"Sorry" she said happily,patting the top of my head and then walking into the kitchen

"You have one crazy girlfriend" Harry said looking towards the door "yah she kinda reminds me of Ke-" Harry cut me off

"Don't!" he snapped

Yup! he's back to moping about Kendra! infect don't think he ever got over her!

I wanted to ask what happened to Aria but i decided to drop the subject.

"Hey! congrats man" Zayn said slapping my back. "yah! what her name?!" Liam asked "Melody" i smiled brightly again

Liam chuckled a bit "it suits the family" he laughed. i chuckled with him.

"What are we laughing about?!" Sophia asked walking into the room again, handing me another slice of pizza "Melody" i explained shoving the food in my face.

"Melody?" Sophia asked confused. "my daughter...the reason my pizza is on the floor!" i explained giving her a "duh!" face. she stuck her tongue out at me and i returned the gesture.

Zayn and Liam chuckled a bit.

Harry and Louis just sat quietly.

They can be depressed together! im not gonna be sad too! yup! im quit possibly the worst friend ever!

"Where are the kids?!" i asked noticing they weren't in the room "upstairs" Louis said plainly pushing his pizza from one side of his plate to the other. i nodded and shoved the last of my pizza in my mouth.

"You gonna eat that?!" i asked Louis. he just handed his plate over to me.

I started eating again and Lou got up and walked towards the door.

"Where you goin'?!" Liam yelled after him "to tell the kids its time to eat" he said walking out of the room

Liam sighed heavily

"What?!" I asked confused. Liam just shook his head and Sophia took his place in our "conversation"

"This is the kids have already eaten...i don't even think he was hear when you walked in...i think he was in another place..." she explained sadly.

I Didn't say one did...So we sat in silence.


I walked down the hall. when i passed Harry i noticed he was just lying on his bed staring up at the ceiling.

"Harry" i said walking into his room trying to catch his attention.

He didn't look at me...he didn't move...he didn't even acknowledge me!

I sat down at the foot of his bed,

"Harry...i'm sorry i brought up Ke-" he cut me "don't!" he yelled not moving his eyes from the ceiling

I sighed

There was a long moment of silence

"I think you should call her" i said standing up and walking to the door

"Niall!" Harry yelled before i walked out

"how did you do it?!" he asked still looking up at the ceiling "do what?!" I asked really confused "how dud you end up with a great woman like Michelle?" he asked still not looking at me.

I laughed a bit "you should try kissing her" i chuckled.

Not that i was recommending him kissing my wife but if you kiss's like time stops, the world starts spinning around you and your the only thing standing still; even though you heart is racing at a hundred miles an hour and your thoughts scramble in my mind. its like fire works go off all around you and then finally, when you pull away, you two are the only person in the room until you open your eyes and see the most beautiful woman in the world standing right in front of you...only then do you realize how amazing she is and how much you can't live with out her.

I chuckled at my comment

Harry did too but it was like an awkward there was something i didn't he was hiding something from me...

I didn't give it much thought and just shook it off

I nodded (not that he saw) and walked out the room

Chasing Stars: part of the Chasing Forever series: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now