Chapter 6 Women friends

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Louis's P.O.V.

The night if Lilly's birthday

" you want me to drop you off at your place?!" i asked as Alison, Aria and I got in my car. "or do ya wanna stay at my place tonight?!"

"Where's Allie going?!" she asked confused "Louis said he had a surprise for me so i'm staying at his place tonight" Alison explained and i smiled cheekily

"okay" Aria said a bit confused

"i'll stay at your place then to so you don't have to drive all over town!" Aria smiled and i nodded and drove to my place.


"Ok Lou...what's the big surprise?!" Allie asked when we walked inside.

"Just wait till i put the kids to bed" i explained and walked down the hall with Ronny in my arms and Owen dragging behind me.


I sat down on the couch wondering where the girls were when, just then both of them walked down the hall.

Aria was wearing a pair of my sweat pants and my grey T-shirt with her hair down. Allie was wearing my superman T-shirt (that went about half way down her thigh and covered her butt) and her hair was up in a messy bun.

I looked at them in shock.

"Hey! you wanted us to stay here!" Aria said with a bit of sass.

"Oh i know!" i said mimicking her sass.

"but Allie you have to change your shirt...thats my shirt!" i said sternly. "Oh shut up!" she yelled laughing a bit.

Just then Aria whispered something in Alison's ear and devilish grins spread across both their faces.

"What?!" i asked curiously but cautiously.

"NOW!" Aria yelled and they both ran and pounced on me!

"What the hell?!" i yelled once i realized which way was up!

They were both sitting on my lap, one on each knee.

"Get off" i said plainly and they both smiled.

Then Aria quickly paced a kiss on my cheek.

"I hate you" i said with a straight face. "oh! come on Louis!" Allie said in a baby kissy voice "you love us!" she said pinching my cheeks and i smiled jokingly.

"See! i told you he wouldn't be mad!" Aria smiled

Just then i pushed them both off me sending them crashing to the floor.

"Oh no...i'm mad" i said looking down at the two girls who were laughing hysterically.

Soon i was laughing with them.

The laughing stopped and there was a few moments of silence.

"What did you wanna show me?!" Allie asked standing up and sitting next to me in the couch followed by Aria.

I smiled, jumped up and ran into the kitchen. i grabbed the crate and ran back into the living room.

Allie's face went blank and Aria's face lit up

"NO! we're not taking care of your cat for you!" Allie yelled as i handed her the crate that contained Teddy.

Kendra gave me Teddy since she was no longer able to take care of him.

"But he hates traveling and Kendra can't take care of him!" I complained

Aria had already had him out of the cage and him kissing her face and she was mumbling something in a baby voice.

Aria was defiantly an animal person!

"Please" i wined

There was a long period of silence between Allie and I and the room was filled with Aria saying "yeah! your so cute! a boo boo boo! a boo boo boo!" while Teddy was purring and kissing her face

"Fine!" Alison finally said and i let of a small shriek

"Holy crap Lou! are you sire you not eight...and female?!" Allie said holding her ears and i rolled my eyes at her and laughed.

The next day

I walked into the kitchen and froze in the door way.

"Females...have invated my kitchen!" i said half frozen.

Owen was sitting at the kitchen table eating pancakes, reading some sorta magazine, Alison was feeding Ronny purple mush and Aria was at the stove cooking god knows what!

"Good morning to you too!" Allie said shoving another spoon full of mush in Ronny's mouth.

"Pancakes?" Aria asked holding up a spatula.

"What are you putting in them?!" i asked cautiously "pan-cake-ba-tter" she said very slowly reaching over and holding up the box of pancake mix.

"Hmmm...i'll think about it" i said holding my hand up to my chin as if i was thinking "ok" Aria shrugged and flipped another pancake

I looked over at Owen and gasped with shock

"what are you teaching my kid?!" i yelled ripping the fashion magazine out of his hands. "sense of style" Allie said plainly, shoved some more mush in Ronny's mouth and then looked at me.

"We need to give you a few lessons!" she said looking at my outfit.

I was wearing black sweat pants, a blue T-shirt and a pair of Toms.

"I'm mot going anywhere today!" i explained and Allie shook her head.

"And what are you feeding her?!" i asked as she put another spoonful of mush in my daughters mouth "baby food" Alison explained

"she's a year old now! i'm pretty sure she can eat solid food!" i almost yelled and Allie rolled her eyes.

I sat down at the table and sighed

"I need to asked you guys something" i said looking down at the table. "what?!" Ari asked placing a plate of pancakes i front of me and then sitting down

"Do you guys wanna come to London with me?!" I asked

"Whyyy?!" Alison asked putting the baby food down and facing me.

"Because i got a call from management this morning and someone wants an interview with you guys, me, and Emma" i explained

"Whyyy?!" Allie said in the exact same tone as before

"Something to do with my women friends or something like that" i explained and the room went silent.

They looked at each other and smiles grew on both their faces. "sure!" Aria nodded and i smiled back.

Chasing Stars: part of the Chasing Forever series: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now