Chapter 33 I don't want togo home

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Louis's P.O.V.

I woke up staring up at a white canvas.

Wait! thats no a canvas! thats a ceiling!

I looked towards my feet and saw a white and black tile wall. i looked in the opposite direction and saw another wall. i looked from side to side and noticed that i was in some kinda box.

Wait! am i in a bath tub?!

I stood up and looked around the bathroom.

Where am i?!

I closed my eyes and tried to remember something from the night before!

Flash back

"Because you know i'm all about that bass. 'bout that bass. no treble" we all sang

My new favourite song "all about that bass" by Meghan Trainor was playing and we all were dancing like crazy.

"I'm sorry guys! we're gonna have to shut it down" a voice of god said.

Soon the whole building was evacuating.

Alison, Aria, Harry and I met up out side and Harry and Aria were completely waisted and Allie and I were buzzed a bit

"I'm hungry" Aria slurred "me too!"Harry slurred back "McDonalds?!" Allie suggested.

So off to McDonalds we went.

We strutted down the street, tripping over curbs and cracks in the sidewalk.

"Well what are we gonna do now?!" Harry said looking across the street. "we'll cross it!" i yelled...bad idea!

What started out as a game turning into a competition for survival! we started pushing each other over and playing chicken.

Yup! we're stupid drunks!

Finally we made it across and we strutted into the building

"I would like a burger please" Harry said hanging over the counter. "you gotta tell her what kind you idiot!" Allie yelled at him "one with meat in it!" Harry 'specified'

"Can i get a happy meal?!" Aria yelled pushing Harry out of the way. "and i want a princesses toy!" she said putting her head on her forehead as if she was really thinking hard about what kind of toy she would like in her happy meal!

"I want a large Pepsi!" Allie budded in "i want an Oreo!" i yelled


After we were done in McDonald's ( i have no idea what we ended up with but i remember we had food) we walked and ate.

Just then we all spotted a lonely shopping cart sitting in the middle of a parking lot.

Just then i had another brilliant idea!

I scooped Aria up (bridal style) and ran over to the cart. i dumped her in the cart and started pushing her around the parking lot.

I pushed her until finally the cart tipped over sending us both crashing to the ground, laughing.

Then Harry grabbed the cart and pushed in onto the empty street that had a wonderful hill.

Harry jumped in the cart and waited for it to roll down the steep hill.

"HAAARRRYYY!" i yelled after him, jumping up and running towards him.

I managed to jump in the cart with him and the two girls held onto the sides before the cart caught any speed. We flew down that hill and when we reached the bottom we piled out and pushed the shopping cart back up!

This time Harry and Aria inside the cart, me hanging onto the back and Allie pushing us as fast as she could.

We were hollering the whole way down and when we reached the bottom Alison kept pushing us.

Non of us were really paying attention but we hut a curb causing us all to fly out of the shopping cart and crashing to the ground.

We all bursted out with laughter, stood up and wandered down the street leave the cart behind.

"Damn it!" Aria yelled "what?!" we all yelled running in her direction, worried.

By now she was sitting in the middle of the street and pulling off her boot.

"My heal broke" she said throwing her boot over her shoulders. "Well what are we gonna do now?! You need shoes" Allie said as Aria pulled off her other boot.

So Harry carried her (bridal style) to the shopping cart and placed her inside.

So there we were. wandering along the streets of London pushing Aria in a shopping cart!

I have no idea where we were but we came across a mall. i have no idea why workers were still in it or how we got in but we did!

"I have to pee" Aria said walking towards the bathroom followed by Harry.

So Alison and I wondered through the wide halls.

Then Allie froze.

"What" i said worried

She just pointed in the direction of a big, red, photo booth.

I smiled at her and we ran to the booth.

I dropped a coin in the slot and we jumped in.

The first two or three were goofy pictures until we bumped head and bursted out with laughter.

I looked up, met Allies eyes and the air was silent . everything was perfect.

We leaned in until our lips met but we quickly pulled away.

But we couldn't have done so a second sooner because a bright flash lit up the box.

"Allie I-" she cut me off "i was an accident" she said quickly. i nodded and got out of the booth followed by Allie.

Chasing Stars: part of the Chasing Forever series: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now