Chapter 52 Phone calls

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Jenna's P.O.V.

i was avoiding this moment all day! i didn't want it to come but here it was!

When Michelle and Tiana left and it was time for the kids to go to bed i went downstairs into the spare bedroom.I sat on the bed and stared down at my phone.


"Jenna" Louis cried into the phone. i couldn't click delete. it was like was finger was stuck. "i miss you" and the line went dead.

I sighed

Fuck! Jenna you really messed up this time

End of flashback.

I clicked Louis name.

I never had the chance or the heart to delete his number from my contacts.


"Hello?!" Louis mumbled down that phone.

I glance over to the clock. 9:38am

Shit! it's 4:38am in London!

"Hi" i said quietly "who is this?!" he asked. I froze.

What am i supposed to say?! "hi Louis its me, your wife who disappeared, gave birth to your daughter you have no idea about and than ignored your call and texts for five years!"....right!

"Hi Louis" i said quietly. there was silence. Every once in awhile I would here little sobs on the other end. "Jenna" Louis sobbed.

I couldn't speak. i could blink. i could barely even breath. my whole body went numb and then all the feeling rushed into me at once and without thinking i pulled my phone away from my ear and clicked the end button.

Then i just sat and cried until i fell asleep...until the pain went away.


Michelle's P.O.V.

"Hello?" Niall mumbled down the phone. "hi Ni! i know it's late but i really need yo talk to you" i said happily but Niall couldn't tell "what is it?!" he asked worried. i froze. mostly because i couldn't believe it myself "Jenna's back!" i smiled. there was silence on the other end. then i heard a little "YIPPEE!" i the background. i laughed

"Can you come home soon?" i asked when i realized Niall was back. he sighed "i don't know" he said sadly. i sighed

"i mean...i'm sure Kendra wants to see Jady and Harry misses-" i cut him off "can we not talk about Harry!" I yelled "Chell...whats wrong?" Niall asked worried "nothing! it just seems like i can't have a conversation with you without Harry being brought up!" i yelled my voice growing as i spoke. "Michelle...calm down" Niall chuckled a bit at my being mad "I AM CALM!" i screamed getting really annoyed. there was a moment of silence "Michelle... Whats wrong?" Niall asked again "noth-" he cut me off "don't give me that crap! Whats wrong?!" he yelled. i was silent

"I-I have to go" i mumbled "No! Michelle!" He yelled. i couldn't say anything more. what was i suppose to say? "i'm sorry" i cried and hung up the phone.

I jut sat on the couch hugging the phone to my chest and crying harder that i even had. it was literally eating me from the inside out.

"Mommy?" i heard a small voice whimper from the stairs. I jerked my head in the direction of the voice. there was Lilly, sitting on the staircase, her head in between two bars on the stair rail, tears rolling down her face. I didn't want to know why she was there.

"come here" i cried opening my arms, the phone still in my hand. Lilly dashed down the stairs and into my arms. i squeezed her as tightly as i could. "I won't let it happen...I won't let it happen" i sobbed as i rocked her back and forth "won't let what happen?" She asked lifting her head from my shoulder. i froze.

What am i suppose to say now?! I HATE ALL THIS NOT KNOWING!

"don't worried about it" i said wiping away her tears with my thumb, brushing away some for her hair that had fallen in front of her face at the same time. then i hugged her again before sending her back to bed.

Chasing Stars: part of the Chasing Forever series: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now