Chapater 65 Tears

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Alison's P.O.V.

after the longest night of my life we were finally home!

i tried to act like i was having fun but how could I when Louis is ignoring me and drooling over Jenna! i'm not saying i don't like Jenna. she's so nice and sweet and River is the cutest little girl ever! (when you get to know her of course. she's so shy!) no. i wasn't mad at Jenna.i was mad at Louis. he kisses me and acts all buddy buddy with me until his wife gets home! then he ignores me! But i wasn't gonna say anything. i didn't want to ruin christmas for everyone. no! i'll wait until Harry ruins it first! much better plan!

Aria was no better than i was. as soon as we got in the car her smile faded and she was mumbling and swearing under her breath.

"Aria. are you ok?!" i asked when we got up to our apartment. she just turned around, teary eyes and shook her head. i walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her.

We need a third whitens while we spill our guts!

So I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and dialled Emma's number (all while still hugging Aria)

"Hello?" she said down the phone "Emma" i said pushing back my tears "Allie?" she asked worried "hey. can you come to our place? we kinda need you right now" i asked "are you kidding me?! My mom will never let me go our at this time and do you know how hard it is to sneak out of the house in a wheel chair?!" she said almost yelling. "please!" i whined "just tell her your going to get some more tampons or something" i suggested an excise "i'll there in fifteen" she sighed. "thanks" i smiled a bit, tears filling my eyes. (btw i was still hugging Aria during this conversation)

I hung up my phone, squeezed my eyes shut forcing my tears out and squeezed Aria a bit. "Em's on her way. she'll be here soon. i promise" i cried.


Finally Emma arrived.

There was not questions asked. no hesitation. she just ran into our apartment and hugged us both.

After awhile we pulled away and sat on the couch.

"What happened?!" Em asked.

The the water works really started to flow. "we're surrounded by bastards thats what!" Aria yelled, tears flowing down her cheeks.

Emma instantly hugged Aria. "Harry-he-made-me--and we-he-oh-how could he!" Aria cried between sobs. "Wow wow wow wow slow down sweetie. your fine. i won't let him hurt you" Emma said pulling away from their hug "calm down and tell me what's wrong. Aria took a deep breath and spoke. her tears stopped flowing. "it started in London" thats all she said before her tears started up again. "and he made me think-" her tears cut her off. "hey. it's ok. You can tell me" Emma reassured. Aria sat up straight, stopped her tears and continued; determined to tell her story. "While we were in London Harry and I got drunk and we...kissed...and it was...good...*sigh*...really good..." she said the last part as if she was living a dream as the memory played back in her mind. but she quickly snapped out of it "when we left Harry barely said good bye to me. after that he never called. never texted. it's like he forgot i even existed! and today...he just ignored me" she started crying again and Em and I hugged her.

Then Emma pulled away "i think you need to get into some PJs and go to bed. it's been a long day and you need some rest" Emma instructed. Aria nodded and trudged to her room.

"Wow...i never sae the mommy part of Emma Smith before" i laughed a but as if i was never upset. "thats how my mom raised me...and i'm thankful for that" Emma smiled to herself.

"Now! what's your problem" she asked. my smile quickly faded "what makes you say that?" i asked trying to pretend like there was nothing bothering me. "Alison! i could here it over the phone! now whats up?!"

Oh shit!

tears instantly started flowing.

God i hate this!

"Louis" i sobbed but i quickly calmed myself down. i took a deep breath, forced my tears back and spoke. "this was also when we were in London" i explained "the same night Aria and Harry-" i couldn't even say it! "-Louis and I...." i hesitated "k-kissed" i stuttered "but we both knew it was wrong and we never really looked at each other the same since and that i can understand...but it when he completely ignores me when Jenna show up; out if no where might i add, thats when i git upset. it just makes me feel used." surprisingly i never cried while telling Emma this story. "Oh! Allie!" she said opening her arms and hugging me.

"C-can i tell you something?" Emma asked pulling away "anything" i said almost worried. "Harry...kissed Michelle" she said the last part really fast. "WHAT?!" i screamed. Emma nodded "and my mum" she added.youth dropped open.

I didn't know what to say!

Shock filled my body until i felt it! my blood started to boil.i felt my face get red and hot. thousands of violet thoughts popped into my head. Anger raced throughout my veins.

"I'm gonna knock those dimples right off his face!" i yelled storming towards the door "NO!" Emma yelled cutting me off before i could reach the door "i don't care how much trouble i get into he's gonna died!" i yelled pointing to the door. Emma just gad to shake her head for me of collapse in tears, landing on her lap. i wrapped my arms around her neck and she slid her arms around my waist.

"HE'S DEAD! HE'S SUCH A BASTARD! HOW COULD HE DO THIS TO HER?!" i screamed (i a really high pitched voice) in Emma's shoulder while i cried. she tried to hush me but it wasn't working. he hurt my best friend! he's gonna get it sooner or later!

Chasing Stars: part of the Chasing Forever series: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now