Chapter 50 Tiana

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Tiana's P.O.V.

There was silence for a second "Jenna's back" Kendra said quietly.

My mind went blank

is she bullshitting me?! no! she wouldn't! not about this!

Then it hit me


I hung up the phone.

I ran through the dog toy isle and into the aquarium part of the store. from here i entered a door where they keep all the extra stalk. then i went through another door that led to the employes langue. i gathered my stuff and walked back out into the store. then i jogged the back of the store and entered the managers office.

Julie (the manager) lifted her head and smiled at me pulling her glasses from her face to reveal her deeply serious eyes. even though she always had a content smile on you alway knew she was serious about everything she did.

"Tiana" she smiled "do you need to talk?" she asked. i just nodded in reply "have a seat" she said gesturing towards the two chair sitting in front of her desk. i didn't budge. "Tiana, is something wrong?" she ask getting worried

I stood for a moment as a smile crept onto my face.

"No...everything is just prefect right now" i smiled to myself. for a moment i forgot where i was "oh good" Julie sighed snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Julie" i said catching her attention "i'm quitting" i said simply.

Her face went blank "but- I thought- you said-how could-please don't-*sigh*...why?" she finally said. i didn't know what to say. i had never been asked that question before...why was i doing it...

Even though it was just because Jenna was home it that question meant more to me than that. Why did i tell Kendra i wrote songs? why did i say "Yes!" to writing for Little Mix? Why didn't i just take a practical, safe rout in life?

" just feels right...i have a chance to live my dreams again and...i won't waist another minute of that time...because...a day with out my fiends are my worst days ever...because i finally have a chance to make things right"

There was silence

Jenna coming back wasn't just exiting for me but it was also so much more than her arrival. It was the boys coming back too. my chance to tell Zayn how i really feel. thats why i wanted her to come home so bad. and now that she's here i'm just bursting excitement and i can't hold it in.

"Well..." Julie started "i'm very happy for you" she smiled again. this made me smile.

I nodded and she returned the nod and i walked away from her and the store and i was never looking back!


I bursted through the front door. it was a little awkward at first but after a short period of silence and staring at each other i ran and jumped beside Jenna who was on the couch. i threw my arms around her neck, she threw her arms around my waist and we stayed there.

I didn't cry at all because i had a huge grin smack-dab on the base of my face that spread from ear to ear and no matter how hard i tried it wouldn't go away!

"I missed you" Jenna cried "i just...i just...." I just couldn't get a word out!

C'mon Tiana! what the hell!

"Hi" i managed out

WHAT?! hi?! that all you could come up with?!

Jenna, Michelle, Kendra and Emma bursted out with laughter and i felt my cheeks get hot.


We talked all afternoon and when it came for supper we all went out to Red Lobster!

"Soooo" i said breaking the silence around the table "Soooo" Jenna repeated "Soo-" Kendra's "so" was cut off by a laugh. soon we all lit up with laughter.

"When is Henry and Ronny going to school?" Jenna asked when we all calmed down "next month" Emma blurted out, seriousness in her voice.

She didn't like talking about Ronny. i think it's because she didn't want to think of her so she just avoided the subject.

"Same time as River!" Jen smiled.

"what does Ronny look like?" She questioned. Emma tensed up and we a went silent while Kendra quickly pulled out her phone and scrolled through her camera roll. she handed Jen her phone. "SHE'S SO CUTE!" Jenna screamed "shut up!" Emma yelled. there was more silence but it was kinda an awkward silence and it stayed like that until our food came.


When it came for Michelle and I to go home it was kinda sad. i didn't want to go to sleep because i was scared it was all a dream and i'd wake up and realize non of this happened

But we left. we hugged Jen, said goodbye and walked out the door. that was quiet possibly the worst feeling in the world.

Chasing Stars: part of the Chasing Forever series: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now