Chapter 44 New baby

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Michelle's P.O.V.

"YOUR WHAT?!" Tiana screamed when i told her I was adopting again.

I really didn't want to think about my conversation i had with Kendra the night before.

"Niall's not home yet!" she yelled "he's not coming home!" i snapped.

"I'm tired of not doing what i want because someones not here!" I said a bit more calmly

I wasn't just talking about Niall...

Tiana sighed and sunk down in her chair at the kitchen table.

"I just don't want you regret it" Tiana sighed "why would i regret getting another kid?!" I asked as if she was crazy. T gave me a "you know what i mean" look and i sighed

I did know what she meant. But i could handle another baby! i missed it!

Just then Lilly walked into the kitchen rubbing her eyes

"Mornin sweetie!" I smiled quickly changing moods. "mhm" she mumbled sitting down at the table.

"Do you wanna have a day with Aunty T?!" i asked happily.

Tiana's head rolled in my direction and gave me an "i hate you" look because today was one of her only days off (she's working at PetSmart again) then she sighed knowing that she wouldn't win

"Yah!" she out in a fake smile "we could go to the zoo" T suggested. Lilly's face lit up "Yah!" She yelled

I mouthed "thank you" to Tiana and she smiled at me while Lilly skipped around the kitchen.


So i walked into the building hoping to come out with a boy but after i passed the most beautiful baby girl i knew i wasn't going to have a son.

Her name was Melody. she was a month old. she had a few tiny strands of blond hair and bright blue eyes.


I filled out a shit load of paper work and then i carried Melody out the front door as my daughter. i already loved her with all my heart!


"And this is gonna be your room" i said walking into Lilly's room with Melody cradled in my arms

I had already set up the crib on the opposite side of the room from Lilly's bed.

"But you have to grow up a little bit more" i said in a baby voice and rubbing my nose against hers. she smile show off...her gums...

then i heard the front door open and Lilly run in.

I smiled to myself and quickly walked down stairs.

By the time i reach the bottom of the staircase Lilly had all her souvenirs spread out on the living room floor.

"Hi mum! look at what i got!" she yelled happily and then she went on listing all her treasures.

"What's that?!" she asked noticing the small bundle in my arms.

Tiana's whole body instantly spun around and ran towards me.

"Ohhh!" she said in sight of my daughter "she is so precious!" she smiled and gave Melody her finger to grasp her tiny hand around.

"What?! what is it?!" Lilly asked trying to see what i was holding.

I squatted down to Lilly's level

Her face instantly lit up!

"My very own baby!" she smiled

Tiana and i laughed at her comment.


The next day

Ok so it's 1:30pm now...theres a seven hour time difference so its... 8:30pm in London!

I grabbed my laptop and dashed down stairs to where Lilly and Mel were sitting on the floor.

I clicked Niall's name and waited.

Soon Niall answered

"Hi!" i smiled happily "hey!" he smiled "how are you?!" i asked trying to sound normal when I really wish he would hurried up so I could tell him!

"Good...we've been working hard...we have bunch of shows next month" he explained "are you coming to Canada?!" i asked excitedly ever though i already knew the answer to the question. He just sighed and gave me a "I'm sorry" look.

There was silence and then Niall spoke

"What did you want to show me?!" Niall asked "what makes you say i want to show you something?!" i asked making it sound like i had no idea what he was talking about (im a pretty good actress) but Niall knew me to well and he saw my excitement.

He gave me a "really?" look and then a huge smile appeared on my face. i was no longer being able to contain my excitement.

I put the computer down and reach over and picked up Melody.

"Come talk to daddy" i said adjusting the computer screen so Niall could get a better look at his beautiful daughters.

A bright smile spread across his face.

Lilly jumped in front of the computer

"Hi Daddy!" she smiled "hi darlin'!" He smiled happily

I push Lilly back from the screen a bit so Niall could see Mel.

"Meet your daughter...Melody Grace Horan" i smiled.

Niall's smile got bigger. it was almost like he was speechless.

"I was gonna get a boy but when i saw her i knew...she was the one" i smiled looking down at Mel. "she's perfect" Niall smiled

I sunk into a deep thought.

I cried at the thought of Niall not being able to see Melody and him being gone.

"Chell" Niall yelled snapping me out of my trance. "i've got to go" he sighed sadly "oh...ok" i sighed "bye" and i shut my laptop angered

God damn it! i hate management! I hate Niall's job! i hate London!i love Niall...

Chasing Stars: part of the Chasing Forever series: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now