Chapter 17 Deviles and Angles

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Kendra's P.O.V

"Boys! clean up the living room!" i ordered and Owen and Luke ran into the living room.

Little Henry crawled down from his chair and ran after then. Ronny yelled after them in a whiny tone and i just laughed.

Henry was at that age where he wanted to be like the big kids! Ronny was still a baby but she wanted to play with Hen still.

"Mommy" she whined and pointed towards the boys.

I took her out of her high chair and se crawled into the living room shrieking the whole way.

Just then there was a knock on the door.

"I'LL GET IT!" Luke screamed and ran for the door. I laughed and ran after him.

By the time i got to there Luke and Owen were standing in the door way talking to who ever was outside.

"Luke!" i yelled laughing as i pulled the boys away from the door.

"sorry about that!" i laughed looking down at the boys and they both had sinister looks spread across their faces. "Oh thats ok!" a familiar voice said.

I looked up and saw Adam standing in the door way!

I pushed the kids behind me and their once happy faces turned into scared faces as they clinched onto my legs.

"What are you doing here?!" i yelled trying to sound as brave as i could but my whole body was shaking and my voice was quivering.

"We need to discuss some things!" he said with an evil smile on as he pushed his way into my house.

"we have nothing to discuss!" i yelled standing in front of him so he couldn't get any farther into the house. "Yes we do" he smiled

"we need to discuss somethings about the wedding"

At first i was really confused and then it hit me!

Adam is Ambers brother!

The room was silent

"Is that Luke?!" Adam asked.

Luke just hid farther behind my leg and Adam laughed a bit.

"Mom!" Emma yelled jogging up the steps. "what's going-" she cut her self off when she reached the kitchen and saw Adam.

"Emma!" Adam smiled.

Emma was frozen and Adam focused his attention on Henry.

"Is that...Henry?!" he asked. i just picked up the two babies so he couldn't hurt them.

"You took me a while to figure out why you named him Henry but then one day it hit me" he said walking closer to me,his anger growing in every step.

I slowly put the babies down.

"You never were my favourite" he said lifting my chin, forcing me to make eye contact with him.

Then my face went numb and my ears started ringing.

I wiped the blood off my face and looked up to see the boys protectively hugging the babies on the couch and Adam was walking towards Emma who was still petrified at the fact that he was in our house!

I jumped up, ran over to Adam, wrapped my arms around his neck from behind and pulled back.

He threw me off of him and started kicking me as hard as he could.

I screamed in pain and all i could hear was ringing.

Every once in awhile i would see Emma pulling on Adams arm or pounding on his back screaming "STOP! STOP! STOP!'

Finally Adam had enough of her and threw her off of him. he walked over to her, picked her up and threw he again.

I sat there crying in pain, watching powerlessly.

Finally i gained the strength to get up and stumble over to Adam who was now kicking Emma. i grabbed a fist full of his hair and pulled.

He screamed in pain.

He somehow managed to get his hands on my shoulders and pushed me backwards until i hit the couch and fell back.

He jumped on top of me and grasped his hands around my neck and squeezed with all his might.

It got harder and harder for me to breath with every gasp i took.

I tried to push him off of me or get my hands around his neck but my fingers were going numb and my eyes were blacking out from my loss of oxygen.

This time all i could hear was Emma gasping in pain and the kids screaming and crying from the other side of the couch.

Soon after my hearing failed.

Finally for what felt like forever i could no longer breath. i squeezed my eyes shut and waited for god to take me but then my airway opened and oxygen filled my lungs! i took a few deep breathes and opened my eyes.

When I looked up Adam was gone

My head rolled in the direction of the door and two police men were trying to pin Adam agains the wall.

I looked over towards the T.V. and some E.R. people were helping Emma.

I looked towards my feet and saw a female cop trying to calm down the kids. Luke gad a phone in his hand and they all had tear stained cheeks.

Finally my hearing restored and i heard my name being called.

I looked up and saw a couple E.R. people hovering over me.

I shut my eyes again.

Thank you god!

Chasing Stars: part of the Chasing Forever series: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now