Love Of My Life ~ Freddie

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Freddie had just gotten back from a tour with Queen and we were sitting in the living room as he told me how amazing it was to hear people sing their songs and how interesting all the different places were. I was more than happy for him and I always knew he would do something like this and have thousands of people love him as I do but I knew something was happening inside of Freddie's heart, something no one had control over.

"I have to show you the most amazing thing," Freddie said excitedly getting up and turning on the television, what I saw on the screen was beautiful, thousands of people in the crowd whilst Brian plays the guitar "they're all singing... to you" Freddie couldn't keep his eyes off the screen as the people who adored him sang along "because it's true" he added his voice sounding softer and slightly upset, I could now feel his beautiful eyes gazing at me, I turned to face him and took a long breath

"Freddie something is wrong and there has been for a long time" I speak changing the atmosphere entirely, the sound of the concert coming from the television was the only noise between us, Freddie looks away from me and stares at the wall blankly. there was a weight in my stomach, my heart and on my shoulders, we loved each other unconditionally but in different ways. "say it" I encourage him "say it" I repeat in the same tone, Freddie looks back towards me and swallows hard

"I think... I might be bisexual" the love of my life spoke, trying not to hurt me but he already had, it wasn't his fault

"No, Freddie you're gay," I tell him, admitting the painful truth, I can feel the tears prickling in my eyes so I get up and walk towards the window away from Freddie so that he doesn't see me cry "I've known for a while, I just didn't want to admit it and the worst part of all is that it's not even your fault... I've always settled for but... I love you y/n but, I love you y/n but I've met someone else, I love you y/n but it's not working out" I speak through the tears and the lump in my throat that was making it hard to not stutter every time I opened my mouth. I looked down at the engagement ring on my left hand and began fiddling with it

"no, don't take it off" Freddie stopped me, walking over quickly "don't take it off" he repeats, his voice cracking, there was little to no space in between us as I ran my fingers under his chin and along his jawline

"what do you want from me" I speak quietly, my eyes damp and swollen

"almost everything" Freddie replies, my breath hitches in my throat "I want you in my life"

"why?" I ask with my voice trembling and barely audible

"we believe in each other" he replies as I lower my hand

"your life is going to be so difficult" I whisper, blinking a few tears away as I see Freddie' eyes become watery, I couldn't stand there anymore watching him be conflicted and hurt himself, I turned away and walked upstairs to our shared bedroom. I sat down on my side of the bed motionless, I couldn't begin to think where to go to from now and I didn't want to think about a life without Freddie by my side.

I knew something was different in more recent times but didn't want to admit it, I didn't want to admit that I was losing my Freddie.

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