Yellow - John

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lovely request @sillyrabbitrix4kids

John Deacon's Friday morning

I walked into the normal florist that I go to every week to get flowers for the window at home, it just brightens up the room and it's nice to see when people walk past. Freddie thinks I should get yellow to compliment the curtains but Roger said I should put something else in the window as it's too girly and as for Brian he says because it's my space that I should make it look like how I want it too to make it feel like home. 

I looked at the array of the bunches of flowers sitting in their places and was having a hard time deciding what to buy. the yellow, as Freddie says, looks great but the purple is really getting my attention "can I help you with your purchase?" a light voice from beside me asks, I turn and see a really beautiful lady in the work uniform for the shop waiting for my response 

"uh um do you think the yellow or the purple?" I ask back noticing how her short hair was not short enough for it not to be in a plait and how her green eyes looked really nice with the pinkness in her lips

"the yellow is a personal favourite of mine if I must admit" she responds smiling sweetly, even though she was wearing her uniform she still looked really pretty,

"I thought so" I respond suddenly feeling nervous in her presence 

"I'll wrap them up for you then" the un-named lady takes the flowers from their seat and walks away with them towards her till that she is managing. I awkwardly follow behind her but instead, I wait in front of the table. I watch her hands delicately move around the bouquet as the brown paper folded around it and a piece of string, neatly tied it all together. "there you go" she said in a sing-song tune holding out the flowers towards me 

"thank you, how much do I owe you?" I wonder taking the flowers, gently from her soft-looking hands 

"it's fine, don't worry about it" she smiled sweetly, I really wished I could see it all day every day already  

"that's incredibly nice of you..." I thank her, looking for a name 

"y/n" the blonde y/n states for me 

"well, thank you very much y/n, I hope you have a nice day" I can't help but smile at her kindness 

"you too" she calls as I exit the shop, the same way I came in but happier

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