What have We done - Brian

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part three to I hate you right now, once again requested! I'm really happy that you guys are enjoying this, hope this meets your standards 

I arrived on the front doorstep of Roger's house, my hands struggling to knock on the door due to the brisk cold of winter "Y/N good to see you" Roger cheered happily as he opened the door and pulled me into a warm embrace. 

"Rog you saw me only a few hours ago" I laugh into his shoulder as I step inside the house and shut the door behind me 

"I know I know but still missed you. I put the fire on by the way to warm you up" Roger informs me, leading the way into his cosy living room. I sat down on the sofa which was conveniently placed in front of the burning fireplace and settled down "look y/n I'm sorry about what I said, I didn't think you would take it as bad as that" Roger frantically apologised, resting his hand on my knee

"rog, hun don't worry, I know you only meant it as a wholehearted joke, as for Brian on the other happened..." I started trailing off, looking around the decorated room 

"what happened love"  Roger asked letting me put my head on his shoulder in a friendly manner, my whole body leaned into him to gain extra warmth and comfort 

"god rog, he was talking to me like this was my fault, I mean the cheek he has" I begin to vent like there was no tomorrow in a frustrated tone, my hand was equally resting on Roger's leg whilst my other was tucked into my coat 

"Y/n, you and I both know how hot-headed Bri can get when he is angry or not thinking straight"  Roger doesn't defend brian but more like plays devils advocate between us

"I know but he's such an ass and-" I carry on ranting, almost ignoring what Roger had just said 

"look at me, hey look at me" the blonde cuts in, holding the side of my face so that I'm made to look into his eyes

"you're fine" Roger exclaims looking at me with sympathy but a smile on his lips making me smile back as if it was contagious. our smiles started to fade and my eyes started to flick between Roger's eyes and lips, over and over again, it felt like I had no control over what I was about to do. Roger started to lean in close to me until both of our lips were touching, both of our lips melted together like ice cream on a warm day, it felt completely and utterly wrong but hey I'm not saying it wasn't good.

the kiss naturally deepened and my legs were found, either side of Roger's lap with my hands wrapped around his neck, my fingers tangled in his long hair. I felt the breath from my lungs beginning to drain so I regretfully pulled away from Roger's sweet lips, we sat there with me on top of him for what felt like minutes but was only seconds, looking at each other with blank faces "what have we just done" I questioned with a monotone voice but a face full of panic

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