Ship Of Dreams - Freddie

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Freddie x titanic AU thought it would be new and fun

The year was 1912 and me and my love, Freddie were on the 'most grandest ship of all time' as newspapers were calling it. to me ships and boats were not anything special, just another human creation on earth but this was beautiful, the look of it and the paint was fresh to the point where you could smell it it still in the air.

Freddie had won tickets in a bet this morning and had offered me to go with him, him being the absolute love of my life, with no hesitation I said yes. I couldn't oppose to it, that would be ludicrous.

So here we were walking around the wooden and metal decks of the R.M.S TITANIC, the ship of dreams. It was the first night of our sail to New York and the sky was clear with pinks and blues painting the evening skies, it was beautiful. The air wasn't too cold but there was a breeze that definitely made you want to put a shawl on to break the wind up.

It was quite when we got to the front of the ship, no one was around us apart from a few of the crew members walking around in the background. Me and Freddie we're making light conversation, nothing to deep or invested because it didn't need to be with us two, we were embracing the time around us and that was enough at the moment.

I put my hands on the wooden bar right at the front of the ship and let the cool sea air caress my face, with Freddie still behind me. My green and white dress was flowing around my ankles and my hair was tickling my neck slightly as the wind blew it backwards "how beautiful you are" Freddie commented, I turned around with my cheeks and nose pink from the cold and blush I was wearing. "Do you trust me?" Freddie asked, stepping closer behind me and holding my hands loosely

"Of course... yes" I answer, my voice soft and delicate as always

"Step up onto the rail carefully" Freddie instructed, I looked down and stepped slowly onto the rail in front of me. I looked below me and saw how the sea was now directly under me and saw how the sun shimmered against the waves. I felt Freddie opening my arms so that they were spread like the wings of a bird, the brunette threaded his fingers through my fingers and twisted our hands together as he did.

I turned my head around to face Freddie who was stood with his body pressed against my body and stared into his eyes for a moment before he leaned into kiss me. The kiss deepened with time, my jaw moving to lean in closer to Freddie. Small strands of my hair were whipping my face but not enough to distract us from our kiss, this was the most romantic and passionate kiss I've ever shared with someone and nothing was going to take away from it.

"I do love you y/n y/m/n y/l/n" Freddie mumbled, once we pulled away slightly. Still staying close to my face

"I love you most Freddie Mercury"

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