Deaky Fucks Part Two Bitches

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I woke up with my little toddler in the middle of me and my amazing love, Deaky, fast asleep. I got caught in a daze so quickly as I got lost in his features, the way his poofy hair flopped over his eyes and the way his lips poured out as he slept, even the way he cradled Luke close to his body.

"Stop watching me" Deaky groaned, brushing my arm lazily with his hand

"Sorry, there's nothing else to stare at" I weakly excuse, still looking at him

"Are you saying you're bored already, at this hour?" Deaky asked, his eyes fluttering open as he spoke

"Hmm perhaps" I responded, watching intrigued as he slowly repositioned Luke so that they had switched places.

"Oh whatever shall we do? I guess I'm going to have to entertain you" Deaky questioned out loud, acting all the way as if he had no clue what to do

"Don't wake up Luke" I reminded him, as it clicked in my mind what he was about to do.  I bit my lip as Deaky carefully slipped under the duvet and his hands ran all over my thighs.

"Don't worry, you know he's a heavy sleeper" Deaky said from under the duvet looking up at me, his hair still in the way of his eyes slightly. I rolled my eyes in a sarcastic manner as Deaky slowly pulled my legs apart and began to run his hands further down. I was still as I was the night before, with no underwear on in sight. "You're so pretty, sweetheart"

"Thank you, darlin" I mutter back, not long after I hear a...

"Mum?" From beside me, oh my fucking god. I mean don't get me wrong as a mother, the sound of your infant is the most beautiful thing ever but when you're trying to get some, it's annoying.

"Yeah baby" I reply, turning my head to face him, slightly groaning at the end just to tease Deaky

"Where's dad?" Luke asked, sitting up in the bed that made him look tiny

"He's downstairs honey, how about you go get dressed for the day, yeah?" I throw out the idea, thinking fast for an excuse

"Okay" the blonde replied before sliding off the side of the bed and running out of the room in a happy manner

"That was close" Deaky breathes out, from having to stay still for so long

"We cannot do that again" I say, lightly slapping Deaky in the arm as he collapsed beside me

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