Fallin' All In You - John

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I really wanted to write fluff and this is plot-less but still cute so if you need cheering up, read this :) it's quick but cute!!

I woke up to the sun shining on my skin brightly, John still hasn't been out to get blinds for our room in our small apartment but I didn't mind, it was pleasant to wake up to every morning. I rolled over and saw John sleeping like an angel, his poofy hair covering his forehead and his lips pouted, god he was amazing. waking up next to someone still felt foreign, this was my first proper relationship and I was still getting used to it but every morning that I did wake up next to John it made me feel safer and made me fall for him even more. 

"deak" I whispered softly, trying to wake him up but not abruptly. he let out a soft, tired groan which made me smile, I cupped the side of his face and gently swiped my thumb under his eye, well more like his cheek.

"morning" John whispered back after a few moments of it being silent "love you" he added afterwards, I couldn't help but giggle like a teenager in love

"I love you too," I said back through the blush on my cheeks and somewhat silent giggles 

"what?" deaky laughed curiously 

"you've made me all lovey-dovey, it's a better side to me but I just never imagined me being so loving to one person" I responded 

"come here you dork" Deaky smiled and pulled me closer to him so that we were now both facing the exposed window, the warmth from the light and Deaky's body were more than relaxing. I felt so at home and as if this was always where I was meant to be 

"I really love you" I repeated 

"you already said that" he reminded me as if I had forgotten

"I know, you deserve to hear it twice though" I replied, pushing my body further next to his. 

"well if that's the case, I really love you too," Deaky said then kissed the back of my head like the gentleman he was and always is to me.

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